
Chemical peeling is a tested and approved method of rejuvenating the skin and reducing the effects of age and sun damage on the skin. It is an important part of the job of a dermatologist to understand the active agents in available treatments, protective techniques, and the nature of sun and skin damage in order to recommend the proper procedure to rehabilitate and restore a patients skin. A dermatologist that is familiar with the various chemical peeling alternatives that are available will be able to solve skin problems that are either mild, moderate, or severe by using chemical agents that are specifically used for deep peeling, medium-depth, superficial, or extremely superficial skin cleaning procedures.

The type of treatment will usually depend on the type of skin a patient has as well as the pigmentation of their skin. Certain procedures, especially those that involve deep chemical and medium peeling, may result in unwanted changes in the color of the skin that need to be disclosed to the patient prior to any chemical peeling procedure taking place. The actual procedure that will be used will depend on the classification of the patients skin type, which are generally classified as types I through VI. A careful evaluation of a persons skin type and skin problems must be assessed prior to any procedure as certain chemicals used with certain skin disorders can result in complications and side effects of which the doctor will have to make the patient aware of.

Trichloroacetic acid has been found to be an effective agent in reducing fine lines and wrinkles, and is most effective when combined with other agents such as glycolic acid. A 35 percent TCA formula has proven just as effective when used with other agents as a 50 percent TCA formula, and presents the advantage of achieving good results without the worry of any scarring taking place.

Prior to the medium-depth chemical peeling procedure, the area that is being treated must be vigorously cleaned and degreased to allow an even penetration of the solution. Cotton tip applicators will then be used to apply what is known as Jessner’s solution followed by the TCA solution. The cotton tip applicators are a useful tool in determining the amount of solution being applied. To dilute the solution, cool saline compresses will be applied. The peel will then heal with .25 percent acetic acid soaks and a mild emollient cream.

While this is only a description of the medium-depth chemical peeling procedure, it can give you an idea of what the chemical peeling process entails. By consulting with your dermatologist and determining your skin type and the skin problems that need to be corrected, you will be able to determine the best chemical peeling procedure that is right for you.

When people think of chemical peels, they often bring to mind an image of an aging beauty desperately trying to hold on to her looks. That image is rapidly changing due to a new use that is sweeping cosmetic surgeons’ offices worldwide. The newest use of the chemical peel is not for beauty enhancement, it is for skin cancer prevention.

Most of the women that are in their forties or fifties now came of age in a different era. It was an era that was much less concerned with the risk of skin cancer. These ladies spent their teens and twenties relaxing by the pool with a bottle of lemon juice or tanning oil handy next to the lounge chair. All of that sun exposure is now catching up with them, and they have to be wary of the development of skin cancer.

Physicians are using chemical peels to do preventative maintenance of the skin. Patients that come in to a dermatologist will have their skin examined. If the patient has experienced a large amount of sun exposure over the course of a lifetime, they will often have sunspots on their skin. These sunspots can be precursors to skin cancer. To prevent the sun spots from ever getting the chance to become something potentially dangerous, the dermatologist will prescribe a chemical peel.

Many dermatologists will perform the peel themselves. Sometimes they do not have the necessary arrangements to perform the procedure, so they will refer their patient to a cosmetic surgeon. The technique is fairly straightforward. The physician applies one of three different acids to the patient’s skin. The three types of acid are phenol, trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and alphahydroxy acids (AHAs). Each penetrates a different depth into the skin tissue, with phenol being the strongest and AHA the weakest. The old skin is removed, and new skin, healthy skin replaces it. It takes around a week for the patient to recover, and it will appear similar to sunburn during the recovery period. The skin will peel and shed, but the skin is not damaged like it would be with a sunburn.

As well as getting rid of the sunspots that are a skin cancer risk, the chemical peel has that added benefit of a rejuvenation of appearance. When the old skin falls away, the new skin has a fresh appearance. It is often said that someone that has undergone the procedure will appear ten years younger.

Have you heard of The Obagi Blue Peel? Women and men are paying up to £300 to obtain younger, more beautiful skin.

What is the Obagi Blue Peel?

Featured on Oprah and numerous other talk shows, The Obagi Blue Peel is a rich blue green skin cream invented by well-known researcher, innovator, scientist and dermatologist, Dr Zein Obagi. The Obagi Peel is used to first dye the skin so dermatologist, physicians or plastic surgeons can readily see where the peel has been applied. After applying the cream and seeing exactly where it has rested on the skin, the dermatologist then applies an acid peel. The peel is used in combination with Trichloroacetic acid. Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) is an active ingredient used in chemical peels to help remove wrinkles. The TCA is added after physicians know exactly where and how much is needed to accomplish a patients desired results.

What Does The Obagi Blue Peel Accomplish?

Individuals seeking a more youthful, glowing complexion will readily dish out £300 or more to obtain or restore the youth to their appearance. The Obagi Blue Peel removes the top layer of the skin to reveal the new skin underneath. Clients will usually see a fresher, younger and smoother complexion after treatment.

What Other Benefits Are There

Thousands of doctors have used the Peel to enhance and control other skin concerns their patients may suffer from. Tens of thousands of dermatologist, physicians and others have used the Obagi Blue Peel in effectively accomplishing skin improvement or restoring the natural and youthful appearance of the skin. The Obagi Blue peel has been beneficial in treating acne, rosacea, wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, sun damaged skin and restoring the natural skin tone by removing spots and other skin imperfections. In addition to restoring the youthful appearance to ones skin, the Obagi Blue Peel has been beneficial in producing collagen which decreases with aging. Producing collagen can result in the awakening of the elasticity to the skin. Awakening collagen production can change the sagging of ones skin to a plumper more youthful appearance.

Can The Same Results Be Obtained At A Cheaper Cost

Not everyone has £300 to dish out to restore youth to their skin or appearance. So how can you obtain similar if not better results at a cheaper cost? There are hundreds of less expensive products on the market. Some can provide similar if not better results. One that is extremely effective in producing similar results is Neosporin’s Antibacterial Crème. You can find the Neosporin line or its generic form in any pharmacy.