
It’s all over the tabloids.

Celebrities uncovered who need “a little work done.” Or have had said “work” done in an obvious manner. Or, worst yet, the ones who looked better before.

Plastic surgery. With the “education” that the tabloids give us about it, should we even wonder why people hesitate to permanently correct their flaws?

However, researchers and healthcare professionals are discovering many new and exciting factors about nutraceuticals and the cosmetic surgery industry. Not only are botox and plastic surgery safer than they used to be, but they also produce better results. Your risk of coming out looking like a goldfish is not only greatly diminished, but the procedure itself is healthier for you than it has ever been.

The Methodist Hospital reports through a recent study that dietary supplements of zinc and phytase prior to Botox®, Dysport®, or Myobloc® injections increased the effectiveness 93% of the time. 44 patients who had not responded positively to botulinum toxin injections were once again being treated for a blepharospasm condition, a rare form of eyelid spasms, hemifacial spasms, and cosmetic wrinkles. Each of the patients took zinc and phytase for four consecutive days prior to surgery, and 41 of them had more success than they did the first time.

Before the plastic surgery, the patients took 50 mg of zinc citrate, along with 3,000 PU of phytase and 10 mg of zinc gluconate or placebo supplementation. The researchers evaluated the patients based on their individual experiences with cosmetic surgery prior to taking the dietary supplements as a baseline.

As a result of this remarkable study, Dr. Charles Soparkar, an oculoplastic surgeon at The Methodist Hospital, is offering a zinc and phytase supplement to his patients. “Surprisingly, the results showed in more than 90 percent of the patients studied, the zinc/phytase combination improved responsiveness to treatment of blepharospasm using the same amount of botulinum toxin as previously used,” said Soparkar. “The toxins seemed to have greater effect and last longer. Potentially, this could mean using fewer toxins, offering patients financial savings, greater safety and more consistent results.” Dr. Soparkar will present this dietary supplement at the American Society of Opthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery’s 41st Annual Fall Scientific Symposium on October 14 in Chicago.

Because of this remarkable study, botox and plastic surgery are safer and more effective practices, building confidence in patients and allowing for safer and more effective results.