
At Cosmetic Courses, our relationship with our course delegates doesn’t end when their training does. We believe in supporting all our delegates as they embark on the exciting journey of carving out a successful career in the field of aesthetics. From the practicalities of setting up in business, to furthering your repertoire of treatments, to finding and growing your client base, we’ve a comprehensive support network in place that means once you train with us, we’re there to help you every step of the way.

Although the quality of our aesthetic training has traditionally been our strong suit, we’ve listened to your feedback about wanting more help on the marketing side, and have responded by creating a new sister website to help you.

What’s the NCN – and how can it help you?

The NCN Homepage

The National Cosmetic Network ( is a specialist clinic finder website that allows people to find and compare reputable aesthetic clinics close to them.

Our aim with the site is twofold – to give patients an easy way to find the most qualified, reputable practitioners in their area, and to help practitioners of a high standard to increase their client base.

The website shares information on non-surgical treatments, from the most established skin treatments, anti-wrinkle injections and facial fillers, to treatments for excessive sweating and thread veins, as well as innovative treatments like PRP Therapy.

A search function then lets people find quality clinics in their local area that offer the treatments. So a well-written listing that showcases your credentials could attract plenty of new clients to you.

How to get your FREE listing on the NCN

To make sure only clinics with the highest professional standards are listed on the site, and safeguard people seeking treatment, only clinics we personally approve make it onto the NCN.

And because every practitioner who has completed training with us has demonstrated they meet the required standard, we give all Cosmetic Courses delegates a free 6-month listing on the NCN for the treatments they have trained in.

When you complete any course from our varied programme, you will automatically be given a free listing on the site to help your potential patients find you.

Please feel free to take a look at the NCN website, and let us know what you think on our Facebook page. If you’d like any more information on the NCN, or any of our training courses, please get in touch with the team on 01844 390110 or email [email protected].

This weekend, 8-9th March, Cosmetic Courses are exhibiting at the ACE Conference If you’re going to be there, come along and say hello!

The ACE Conference is one of the biggest events in the industry, and it’s our first time exhibiting, so we’re really looking forward to it.

Lots of preparations have been made over the last few weeks, with the whole team working hard behind the scenes. Now it’s almost here, we’re excited to find out what the conference is like, and get the chance to meet lots of people in the industry.

You’ll be able to find us at Stand 31, where we’ll be offering lots of practical help for people looking to start or develop their aesthetic careers, including:

  • * Exclusive discounts – book a course during the conference and receive £100 discount!
  • * Advice and information on new training courses
  • * Upcoming course dates
  • * Business advice

On the Saturday afternoon at 3pm, our Clinical Director, Adrian Richards, and Aesthetic Nurse and Trainer, Mel Recchia, will be performing a live demonstration of lip augmentation with dermal fillers at ACE Conference.

The idea is to give people an introduction to the treatment, as well a taster of what they can expect when they come along to one of our courses. So if you are coming to the conference and interested in learning lip filler techniques, it should be well worth you coming along.

If you don’t have tickets for the event but think you might want to attend, the ACE conference takes place at the Business Design Centre in Islington, and entry to the exhibition is free (though if you want to attend lectures, seminars and masterclasses, a charge is payable).

For anyone who is going to be there, whether exhibiting or attending, we’ll see you there.

When you set up your own Medical Aesthetics practise, you will quickly find a Ghost that haunts you. You will particularly experience her looming shadow if you decide to offer Lip Filler treatments. But we can pretty much guarantee that her name will crop up over and over regardless. “I don’t want to end up looking like Leslie Ash!”: it is a plea from your clients that will become all-too familiar.

The Leslie Ash “Look” is certainly not high on most people’s aesthetic wish-list. You have most probably seen the recurrent pictures in the media of her now infamous “trout pout”. The unfortunate woman has been hauled over the coals as an example of Cosmetic Surgery Gone Wrong in every woman’s mag. article of that theme ever since her Lip Body treatment in 2002.

Ash originally claimed she had collagen Lip Implants to correct her disappearing top lip (an unfortunate but common side-effect of ageing) and maintain her image in the public eye. Ironically, the treatment had the opposite effect, bringing her notoriety for all the wrong reasons. Back in 2003, the actress typically told the Press that her permanently swollen, upwards-curled top lip was a terrible accident and the result of a reaction to the collagen in the implant. By 2010 she had conceded that it was not an implant at all, but an injection of liquid silicone (the same lethal cocktail responsible for the recent death of Claudia Aderotimi) which had caused the ridiculous effect.

“The Curse of Leslie Ash” is therefore that hundreds of women who would otherwise have considered lip-enhancing treatment have now been put off completely. And of those that do approach you for procedures, a large number will need reassurance that they will not leave your Clinic looking similarly over-the-top or caricatured.

In his talks to delegates attending Medical Aesthetic courses at the Cosmetic Courses National Training Centre, Mr Adrian Richards (Consultant Plastic Surgeon) is always keen to set the facts straight. For starters, there should be broader awareness of precisely which treatment Leslie Ash underwent: it seems very wrong that by initially shielding the truth, she has created mistrust and fear of both Lip Fillers and Lip Implants. Prospective clients do not realise that Dermal Fillers are not the same as the injections which she had, and can give lovely subtle enhancement to both the lip body and border (in the hands of a qualified, trained medical professional). Nor do they always understand that she did not have a Lip Implant at all and that it is therefore well worth investigating the potential of Permalip implants. In fact, Mr Richards highly recommends the Permalip implant as a method of augmenting the lip body: these implants come in a huge variety of sizes and shapes, are sculptable, safe and above all can be removed if necessary.

In contrast, Liquid Silicone injections, like Ash had injected into her lips by a plastic surgeon whilst at a friend’s house, is permanent. And as Mr Richards warns all his trainee Aesthetic Practitioners, ‘Permanent fillers cause Permanent problems’. In Leslie Ash’s case, the silicone set around the muscles in her lips and it is now impossible for surgeons to remove it.

So there you have it: of course, however silly the actress may have been, she is also incredibly unfortunate. She is certainly not alone, but possibly receives more publicity about the matter than most and will almost certainly be one of the names you come to regard as a bug-bear. Instead of getting irritated by this, however, try to see your role as educating your clients, so that others do not make the mistakes of Ash and others. With this knowledge, you can ensure that you offer only the best and most suitable treatments and therefore provide genuine reassurance that your clients will not walk out of your Treatment Room and straight into the Gossip Columns!

Full lips are unquestionably considered to be attractive and youthful, and one of the leading symbols of sensuality today. Since so many of the world’s top movie stars and models have the full-lipped look more people are starting to seek out ways to get the same plumped up lips. Today there are several different options for cosmetic lip enhancement, both temporary and permanent.

Injectable Fillers For Lip Enhancement

Injectable fillers are the most common method of lip enhancement today. These fillers are made of either bovine collagen or hyaluronic acid. Bovine collagen fillers such as Zyderm and Cosmoderm are injected via a very thin gauge needle into the borders of the lips or the body of the lips. Bovine collagen fillers are capable of filling out the lips immediately and of adding volume to any area of the lips. Bovine collagen fillers generally last for between three and six months. While bovine collagen fillers are extremely effective at adding volume and creating any change in the lips desired, they do have one potential drawback. Patients who have an allergy or sensitivity to bovine collagen cannot use this particular type of injectable filler. Most physicians require that lip enhancement patients undergo a pre-treatment bovine collagen allergy test to make certain that there will not be any problems with the treatment. In cases where the patient demonstrates an allergy to bovine collagen hyaluronic acid fillers are the preferred option.

Hyaluronic acid injectable fillers are used in a very similar way to bovine collagen fillers as they are injected through a long thin needle into any area of the lip that needs added volume or enhancement. Hyaluronic acid fillers such as Juvederm and Restylane are derived from non-animal sources and very closely mimic the hyaluronic acid that is found naturally in the human body. Fillers that are composed of hyaluronic acid do not require any pre-treatment allergy testing since the product is virtually identical to the collagen builders already in the body. One of the advantages of hyaluronic acid fillers is that they have more longevity than their collagen counterparts: Most hyaluronic acid fillers last from six to twelve months.

Permanent Lip Enhancement Methods

Some patients who are seeking a permanent lip enhancement may choose to use implantable synthetic materials such as Gore-Tex and SoftForm. These materials are soft, pliable, and can be surgically inserted into the lips to provide a permanent increase in volume. These options are more expensive than the injectable fillers but their permanent nature makes them a better long term value for some patients. Some patients may experience side effects from lip implants such as allergic reactions to the implanted material. In some cases migration may occur, meaning the implants will travel outside the area where they were inserted. In such cases surgical removal and repositioning is required.

A beautiful smile makes an indelible impression in the social world. Women of all eras have sought to acquire the full-lipped pout of actresses and models. Because of this, modern cosmetic surgeons never lack for business. Lip augmentation gives women the full lips they desire and it boosts their confidence in ways never thought possible. The technical aspects of lip augmentation are left to scientists and cosmetic surgeons, but they are fascinating even to the untrained population.

Three types of lip enhancing procedures are the most popular choices of dentists. Injectable fillers produce a temporary effect that lasts 6 weeks to 18 months, depending on the person who receives the treatment and the variety of product injected. Collagen, hylaform, perlane, and rofilan are typical products of lip augmentation with variable durations of effectiveness.

A more permanent solution is accomplished with fillers such as dermalive, alloderm, soft form, and aquamide. Depending on the area that needs to be injected, the treatment can last longer than its typical 3 to 10 minute duration. After the injections, a patient can expect swelling and, in some cases, discoloration. The discoloration goes away after a few days and the permanent effect of the fillers sets in, giving the patient beautiful, sensuous lips that will be with her always. A normal routine is resumed shortly after this procedure, leaving patients free to return to work or household duties.

In the majority of cases, Bio Alcamide is the choice of filler for this type of procedure. Its strengths are that allergic reactions are almost non-existent in its history. Discomfort is minimal. It consists of hydrogel. Its usefulness extends beyond lip augmentation and has been used to fill scars, wrinkles, and cavities in the skin.

A third procedure is conducted through plastic surgery. This, too, is a permanent procedure. There is no possible way to reverse it, so serious consideration should be given before undergoing this procedure. Gum lift and lip enhancement techniques are described in-depth on several sites, and it is wise to research the topics before scheduling a consultation. It is the most complex of the three procedures.

A cosmetic surgeon can examine your lips and discuss your medical history to determine what procedure and filler will work best for you. If you are suffering from low self-esteem due to small lips and desire the full, beautiful lips of actresses and models, it’s as easy as scheduling an appointment with a cosmetic surgeon or aesthetic dentist. Within weeks you can have your desires fulfilled and be happier and more fulfilled.

The possibilities with Aesthetic Dentistry are endless. See Laser whitening London for more ideas about dentists in the medical aesthetics industry.

Perlane is a dermal filler that was created to minimise the appearance of facial folds and wrinkles. In many cases it is capable of complete wrinkle removal since it restores a great deal of lostperlane cosmetic courses facial volume. As the skin ages the natural collagen present begins to diminish. Over time this will sometimes result in sagging skin, facial folds, lines, and wrinkles.

Perlane is made of a stabilized hyaluronic acid gel that has particles thicker than those of other hyaluronic acid based fillers such as Restylane. The denser composition allows it to be more easily moulded to a patient’s face and thus produces the most natural look possible of all the hyaluronic acid based dermal fillers. Because it is not derived from animal sources like many collagen based fillers are, it may be used in patients without allergy testing. Perlane is made entirely of hyaluronic acid while other dermal fillers such as Restylane have a hyaluronic acid base but have animal collagen added to them.

Perlane may be used in a variety of facial areas. The nasolabial folds running from the corner of the nose to the outer edges of the mouth are one of the most common areas that patients have  injected. It may also be used to add some volume to the area underneath the eyes if a patient has sunken eyes. Virtually any area of the face that has wrinkling or skin folds due to loss of volume can be treated effectively with injections. A popular use for this product today is lip enhancement. Perlane can be safely injected into the lips to produce additional volume or create the appearance of an overall larger mouth.

Perlane typically lasts for about six to nine months, though some patients continue to see benefits from treatment for as long as one year. While the price is typically higher than that of some other dermal fillers, this product is longer lasting and presents a more natural appearance than other dermal fillers do.

Treatment with Perlane normally takes no longer than 30 to 45 minutes. The injection process is usually not painful for patients though the administering physician may choose to inject a local anesthetic or to apply a topical anesthetic to minimise any discomfort.

Soft tissue augmentation for aesthetic purposes has been around for over a hundred years. We can trace this field of medicine back to a German plastic surgeon who published a paper about adipose grafts that are transplanted to fix soft tissue defects on the face. This shows that fat grafts are the oldest known facial dermal fillers used in the plastic surgery field. Of course, the past 100 years have been spent improving techniques and finding better materials and devices to use to help patients cosmetically improve the appearance of soft tissue deficiencies. Facial dermal fillers are now one of the most popular ways people use to create a more aesthetically pleasing improvement to their face with the least invasive procedure possible.

Unfortunately, smoking, sunlight, aging and gravity take a toll on the elastic collagen of the face, causing wrinkles to appear. Aging-related changes include downturned corners of the mouth and atrophy of the lower and upper lips. Plastic surgery makes it possible to rejuvenate these areas with minor improvements. Facial dermal fillers are used to rebuild and refresh the areas near the mouth, helping the patient regain a more youthful appearance. Dermal fillers can also treat aging near the naso-labial folds of the face, a common and early sign of facial aging.

So why do people love facial dermal fillers to such a degree? One reason is the popularity of Botox, which has been shown to have amazing anti-aging on upper facial areas. With Botox injections, the anti-aging effects on the upper face have also created a need for better procedures to address the lower area of the face. Novel filler technology has also increased facial dermal fillers’ popularity with the general public. When Botox is used for the upper face together with dermal fillers on the lower face, an unbelievable age-reversing result is achieved that offers a rejuvenated appearance with minimally invasive procedures.

Today, many people will agree that a face should have prominence and depressions that are symmetrical. This belief is yet another reason people seem drawn to the field of soft tissue augmentation, particularly facial dermal fillers. Lip enhancement is now one of the most popular procedures and draws both the young and old. Because of the minimally invasive nature of these procedures, paired with their ability to deliver unmatched results, it’s no wonder people are eager to use facial dermal fillers to improve their appearance.