
When people think of chemical peels, they often bring to mind an image of an aging beauty desperately trying to hold on to her looks. That image is rapidly changing due to a new use that is sweeping cosmetic surgeons’ offices worldwide. The newest use of the chemical peel is not for beauty enhancement, it is for skin cancer prevention.

Most of the women that are in their forties or fifties now came of age in a different era. It was an era that was much less concerned with the risk of skin cancer. These ladies spent their teens and twenties relaxing by the pool with a bottle of lemon juice or tanning oil handy next to the lounge chair. All of that sun exposure is now catching up with them, and they have to be wary of the development of skin cancer.

Physicians are using chemical peels to do preventative maintenance of the skin. Patients that come in to a dermatologist will have their skin examined. If the patient has experienced a large amount of sun exposure over the course of a lifetime, they will often have sunspots on their skin. These sunspots can be precursors to skin cancer. To prevent the sun spots from ever getting the chance to become something potentially dangerous, the dermatologist will prescribe a chemical peel.

Many dermatologists will perform the peel themselves. Sometimes they do not have the necessary arrangements to perform the procedure, so they will refer their patient to a cosmetic surgeon. The technique is fairly straightforward. The physician applies one of three different acids to the patient’s skin. The three types of acid are phenol, trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and alphahydroxy acids (AHAs). Each penetrates a different depth into the skin tissue, with phenol being the strongest and AHA the weakest. The old skin is removed, and new skin, healthy skin replaces it. It takes around a week for the patient to recover, and it will appear similar to sunburn during the recovery period. The skin will peel and shed, but the skin is not damaged like it would be with a sunburn.

As well as getting rid of the sunspots that are a skin cancer risk, the chemical peel has that added benefit of a rejuvenation of appearance. When the old skin falls away, the new skin has a fresh appearance. It is often said that someone that has undergone the procedure will appear ten years younger.

A beautiful smile makes an indelible impression in the social world. Women of all eras have sought to acquire the full-lipped pout of actresses and models. Because of this, modern cosmetic surgeons never lack for business. Lip augmentation gives women the full lips they desire and it boosts their confidence in ways never thought possible. The technical aspects of lip augmentation are left to scientists and cosmetic surgeons, but they are fascinating even to the untrained population.

Three types of lip enhancing procedures are the most popular choices of dentists. Injectable fillers produce a temporary effect that lasts 6 weeks to 18 months, depending on the person who receives the treatment and the variety of product injected. Collagen, hylaform, perlane, and rofilan are typical products of lip augmentation with variable durations of effectiveness.

A more permanent solution is accomplished with fillers such as dermalive, alloderm, soft form, and aquamide. Depending on the area that needs to be injected, the treatment can last longer than its typical 3 to 10 minute duration. After the injections, a patient can expect swelling and, in some cases, discoloration. The discoloration goes away after a few days and the permanent effect of the fillers sets in, giving the patient beautiful, sensuous lips that will be with her always. A normal routine is resumed shortly after this procedure, leaving patients free to return to work or household duties.

In the majority of cases, Bio Alcamide is the choice of filler for this type of procedure. Its strengths are that allergic reactions are almost non-existent in its history. Discomfort is minimal. It consists of hydrogel. Its usefulness extends beyond lip augmentation and has been used to fill scars, wrinkles, and cavities in the skin.

A third procedure is conducted through plastic surgery. This, too, is a permanent procedure. There is no possible way to reverse it, so serious consideration should be given before undergoing this procedure. Gum lift and lip enhancement techniques are described in-depth on several sites, and it is wise to research the topics before scheduling a consultation. It is the most complex of the three procedures.

A cosmetic surgeon can examine your lips and discuss your medical history to determine what procedure and filler will work best for you. If you are suffering from low self-esteem due to small lips and desire the full, beautiful lips of actresses and models, it’s as easy as scheduling an appointment with a cosmetic surgeon or aesthetic dentist. Within weeks you can have your desires fulfilled and be happier and more fulfilled.

The possibilities with Aesthetic Dentistry are endless. See Laser whitening London for more ideas about dentists in the medical aesthetics industry.

For over 5 years, the Expert Working Group on Cosmetic Surgery has been recommending to the Healthcare Commission that Botox use be more closely monitored. As Botox procedures become increasingly popular, greater numbers of patients are exposed to health risks by accepting shoddy, low-cost treatments from fly-by-night operations that don’t care what happens once the money is in their pockets and patient is out the door.

The government doesn’t accept that patient risk should be any of their concern. They have continued to decline the recommendation and instead ask cosmetic surgeons to regulate themselves. Under the current system, absolutely anyone can set up an office and administer the injections of Botox. Botox is a diluted form of deadly toxin produced by botulism-causing bacteria. The toxin tightens muscles under the face, paralyzing them. This has the side effect of reducing wrinkles.

Dr. Andrew Vallance-Owen, chairman of the Independent Healthcare Advisory Services’ Wirjung Group on Cosmetic Surgery and medical director of BUPA confirmed that cosmetic surgeons urged Parliament to bring regulation to the Botox industry.

Vallence-Owen stressed the importance of regulation. “We are talking about invasive procedures,” he said. “Botox is a prescription-only medicine and patient safety should be paramount.” He continued, “If things go wrong, some patients could be left scarred physically or psychologically for life.”

Vallence-Owen, for one, isn’t going to step back and let the procedure go unregulated. “Self-reulation is better than no regulation,” he said. “If we want the sector to maintain its success, we must retain patient confidence.” He maintains that if the industry doesn’t step up, then “these procedures will be less-regulated than ear-piercing.”

Health Minister Lord Hunt announced the UK plan for self-regulation of the Botox industry. “Cosmetic surgery providers have shown real commitment to improving levels of quality and safety in this area, and so, I have decided to ask the industry to take the lead in further improving standards.” Lord Hunt admits that the most the British government intends to do is keep open the possibility introducing “statutory regulation should it become necessary in the future.”

The Independent Healthcare Advisory Services have been given the responsibility in producing a set of standards for the industry. Sally Taber, speaking for the group, said they were ready for the task, but not willing, as nothing they could do compares to statutory regulation.

Jenny Driscoll, a health campaigner, concurs with the popular sentiment. “The government needs to step in now because, left to regulate itself, it’d be all too easy for the industry to focus on introducing multiple codes that will just end up confusing people.”

President of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, when asked for a statement, said that the self-regulation mandate was “total nonsense.”

The aging process undoubtedly changes our skin in many ways, including reducing the collagen fibers that give our skin the elasticity and tightnessJuvéderm it needs. That’s why medical advancements such as Juvéderm have done so much to improve the nature of our skin while we age, allowing us to rejuvenate and heal skin that’s begun to sag and wrinkle. As we battle against pollution in the area, stress, sunlight and unhealthy lifestyles like smoking, new medical treatments are always available to help us recover our appearance when necessary. The truth is our skin is taking the brunt of the damage in our current lifestyles, taking most of the hits like sun damage and stress-related aging. Our skin is actually aging faster than it should because of the rough life it’s going through.

The reason for the aging appearance associated with wrinkles and drooping skin is low levels of collagen and hyaluronic acid. Fortunately, a new product works to fix this. Juvéderm Dermal Filler treatments are a non-surgical procedure that gives you affects that can last at least six months, maybe longer. So what is Juvéderm? Basically, it’s a wrinkle removal gel that fills all the fine lines in the skin to give a smooth look that still looks natural and youthful. Juvéderm fulfills our skin’s needs as wel by providing it with acids that plump and soothe the rough texture of aging skin. Juvéderm treatments are available at both medical spas and cosmetic surgeons’ offices, allowing you to choose which setting will make you most comfortable.

Juvéderm Dermal Filler is a safe and painless alternative to surgical procedures, although it does have some side effects in some cases. Special care should always be taken when using Juvéderm and that’s why it’s only available at select spas and cosmetic surgeons. It is not yet known what the effects of Juvéderm are on pregnant women. Juvéderm Dermal Filler is currently approved for the correction of wrinkles on the face and facial folds.

Juvéderm is a simple procedure that takes less than twenty minutes. Gel is injected into affected areas and smoothed by a trained professional. Your next appointment is then scheduled and you’re ready to go. Typically, treatments cost between £200 and £700, which depends on the type of formula you select. Of course, when compared to the cost of cosmetic surgery, this price is definitely worth it. The results of Juvéderm Dermal Fillers are unparalleled and will leave you amazed.