JCCP Update September 2022 - Fast Track Level 7 Diploma

JCCP Update September 2022

This month the Joint Council for Cosmetic Practitioners otherwise known as the JCCP released their update for the month of September. They are a ‘not for profit’ organisation that was made to bring ‘self-regulation’ to the non-surgical aesthetic sector within the UK. They are the body that registers practitioners, approved education, and training providers with a strong focus on patient safety.

The update was mainly focused on The Health and Care Act – 2022. This act came into force on the 1st of July, 2022 and will have a huge impact across the NHS in England. The Act introduces a new licensing system for practitioners that undertake non-surgical cosmetic procedures such as toxins and dermal fillers. It prohibits anyone from performing specified cosmetic treatments unless they have a personal licence. You will also need a premises licence “for the carrying out of specified cosmetic procedures”. This act is in favour of the creation of the establishment of new health and care infrastructure that should be designed to create a safe environment. This will also create more cooperation and collaboration between the NHS, local government, and other partners in the hopes of having a major impact on the aesthetic industry for the better.

Fast Track Level 7 Diploma

In this update, we were mentioned in section four, “JCCP Fast Track Assessment Centre”. We are proud to be one of the first JCCP-approved training centres for injectables, setting the standards for a safer industry. This course is a great alternative for someone who wants to take the educational route in aesthetics but doesn’t have the time to take off from their busy clinic. Currently, the VTCT (ITEC) Level 7 Diploma in Clinical Aesthetic Injectable Treatments Course is the highest formal aesthetic medicine qualification available in the UK and is a well-recognised qualification. You can read the full section below:

In order to ensure that those operating in the industry are more accountable to members of the public with regards their ‘fitness to practice’ the JCCP has agreed that their registered healthcare practitioners should be able to evidence their compliance with the JCCP and CPSA published standards for practice, either by undertaking a JCCP approved qualification or by attending a JCCP approved Fast Track Assessment Centre (FTA).

The JCCP agreed last year that practitioners can apply to register with Learna’s new JCCP Fast Track Assessment (FTA) which has been specifically designed for aesthetic practitioners who are seeking to register with the JCCP. The new fast track assessment centre has been developed by online learning specialists, Learna, in collaboration with the Joint Council for Cosmetic Practitioners (JCCP), and will streamline the qualifications process, enabling more cosmetic practitioners to be eligible to join the JCCP Government PSA approved register. Harley Academy and Cosmetic Courses have also been approved this year to work in association with Learna to offer JCCP Fast Track Assessment Centres.

The JCCP Fast Track Assessment Centre offers practitioners an alternative to more costly and time-consuming qualifications and is the only fast track assessment course of its kind on the market that is recognised by the JCCP, resulting in the award of a formally recognised equivalent verification standard that provides unconditional access to Part One of the PSA approved JCCP Practitioner Register.

What does it involve?

The new FTA results in the award of a formally recognised equivalent verification standard that equates to the JCCP Level 7 education and training standard for the injection of toxins and for the insertion of dermal fillers. The FTA consists of two components; a three-hour theoretical exam with questions testing practitioner knowledge, and a practical examination which tests the individuals’ clinical skills and competence. This contrasts with some of the shortest PgCert courses, which take around 6 months to complete. Details of the JCCP/Learna Fast Track Assessment Centre process and application details may be accessed via the following link.

You can read the full press release here.


At Cosmetic Courses the safety and care of our models has always been at the forefront of what we do. Through our training we pass on this duty of care and hope to develop well educated aesthetic practitioners. As we continue to progress our training we also feel it beneficial to inform our models of what is happening the other side of the syringe.

Up until this point cosmetic treatments have been independently regulated with no formal structures in place. The introduction of a ‘Level 7 Qualification’ is a movement towards a more standardised level of training for medical professionals considering a career in aesthetic medicine. At Cosmetic Courses we pride ourselves on our high standards of training from our expert trainers and clinical training environments, unfortunately this is not the same with other training providers. This movement is in place to try to ensure the safety of the industry. We believe that a huge aspect of making the aesthetics industry as safe as possible is to educate the individuals like yourselves who are having treatments so that you are aware what is happening, what to look for within a practitioner and the important part you can play in helping to make this a regulated, safe industry.

Here at Cosmetic Courses we launched our Level 7 Certificate last year and during this time we’re pleased to say we’ve had lots of delegates embark on their qualification journey. The qualification has become a large part of what we do and we wanted to take this opportunity to explain what this means for our models!

So what exactly is the Level 7?

In education a ‘level’ of any qualification shows the academic stage of each programme. The Level 7 is deemed as the equivalent to a postgraduate level of education.

2012 was a busy year, we witnessed the PIP breast implant scandal and the increasing demand of non-surgical treatments began to sore. This was the same year that the Department of Health appointed Health Education England (HEE) to review and advise on the regulatory framework in the cosmetic industry. Due to the previous issues with breast implants the Department of Health were concerned that they did not want to see any repeat problems in this increasingly popular industry so they decided to conduct a review of all cosmetic procedures.

The review analysed each treatment, their associated risks and the qualifications required for an individual to perform each non-surgical cosmetic intervention. During this process they also made recommendations on accreditation, qualifications and course delivery to ensure that each aspect was being taught inline with a dedicated framework.

Still with us?

Health Education England has suggested that an appropriate level of training for Botox and Dermal Filler treatments is at a Level 7. Meaning regulation!

This is something which we at Cosmetic Courses are proud to be part of. The aesthetic industry is exciting, fast paced and continues to grow rapidly and as much as we love being front runners in a highly competitive industry we also are passionate about safety and care within it.

What does Level 7 mean for our models?

We are glad you asked. You’ll be happy to hear that Level 7 means… more treatments & more appointments!

The Level 7 Certificate in Injectables for Aesthetic Medicine is one of our longest courses, so long that it in fact can take up to a year to complete. Delegates will have to undergo a series of courses and tests in the build up to their final examination.

Along with online training, assignments and examination, delegates will also enrol on to our clinical days where we need our models! The days that will be available for models to book on to will be:

  • Foundation Botox & Dermal Filler Training Days (Upper Face Botox & Filler around the Mouth treatments)
  • Clinical Observation Days: this is where our delegates observe our expert trainers performing the treatments so they can gain first hand knowledge of the procedures
  • Supervised Practice Days: our delegates take the lead on this day, performing 10x Botox & Dermal Filler treatments under the watchful eye of our expert trainers

Which treatment can I have as part of the Level 7 courses?

For Level 7 we train our delegates in combination treatments. This works perfectly for models as it saves time and allows them to get more than one treatment whilst visiting. Models can have the following treatments as part of the Level 7 course days: *

  • Upper face Botox and cheek filler
  • Upper face Botox and lip filler
  • Upper face Botox and filler around the mouth

*Please note that all models attending the Foundation Days can only have upper face Botox and/or filler around the mouth.

If you would like to know more about the Level 7 qualification and book on to one of our upcoming training days as a model please contact us today to register your interest: 01844 390110 / [email protected] 

Level 7 is the qualification everyone is talking about and has fast become the words on many lips throughout aesthetic training. With continued changes being made to the specification, it is easy to become confused by the Level 7 Certificate in Injectables. At Cosmetic Courses, our Ofqual regulated qualification uses guidelines set by the JCCP & HEE. We made a course that we know our delegates will not only benefit greatly from but also enjoy. In this blog we look at the top 7 things delegates should keep in mind when deciding whether to take the Level 7 Certificate in Injectables for Aesthetic Medicine…

1. First things first, is this the right decision for you?

It’s important that you make this decision from looking at all of your options. The Level 7 Certificate requires time, dedication and financial preparation. As an equivalent to a post-graduate qualification, with 278 hours of comprehensive learning, it is important to understand what you are signing up for!

2. Is it mandatory?

No, the Level 7 qualification is not mandatory. Beware of scaremongering. There are rumours circulating the aesthetic industry stating those without this qualification will be unable to practice in 2018. This certificate has been put in place as a positive movement towards regulating the aesthetic industry and for now it is not compulsory. The JCCP are planning to launch a register in January which on completion of Level 7 or equivalent training will allow you to apply for the register. This will then be accessible to the public. Although there is movement for such qualifications to become mandatory, it is unlikely to happen in the immediate future – but there is definitely no harm in future proofing!

3. Research your training providers

It’s vital you research each training provider you are considering. The course needs to include all aspects of the Level 7 certificate. You also need to be aware that there are only a small number of Ofqual accredited training providers running this course. Make sure that your chosen provider is also offering ongoing support throughout your Level 7 certificate. Some training providers may ask you to source your own observation days or even find your own patients to treat. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, this is a big step in your career so it’s important it’s the right one!

4. Are all Level 7 Qualifications the same? 

Every training provider offering the Level 7 qualification has to follow a strict curriculum. Although there are variations in delivery, the content is very similar. The learning techniques and structure can differ, but each has to tick the same boxes to be able to provide such a course.

5. Beware of Hidden Costs!

With so many steps in the Level 7 qualification, it is easy to get caught out by hidden fees for compulsory parts of the course. It is important to look for the cost of the full qualification, including all practical days and theory units. This will help you financially prepare for your course and also prevent you from finding any unpleasant surprises!

6. Can I do a Level 7 if I am already an experienced practitioner? 

Yes, there is an alternative shorter route for experienced practitioners who want to complete the Level 7 certificate. This is the RPL route (Recognition of Prior Learning). Through RPL experienced practitioners can demonstrate their proficiency in the form of a portfolio of evidence. This can substitute the practical modules allowing you to focus on the theoretical side of the Level 7 as well as the SAQ’s and OSCE examination day.

7. What’s in it for me?

Acquiring a Level 7 qualification demonstrates a high level of knowledge and experience. It is a nationally recognised qualification and provides extensive knowledge in all areas of aesthetic medicine. Practitioners may find that they have an increase in enquiries from the register and your new qualification could help to boost the marketing of your business. Although the qualification is not mandatory it may be wise to future proof your training. There is never a limit to your training – there is always room to gain more experience and knowledge. This will only increase your confidence and result in a more successful business.

At Cosmetic Courses we understand that embarking upon the Level 7 Qualification is a big decision to make. To help with this we have created a flexible booking schedule with no specific enrolment dates. Our aim is to deliver the qualification to suit you.

Still not sure?

Please call our dedicated Level 7 Coordinators on 01844 390110 or simply email us at [email protected], and we would be happy to answer any queries.

You can also visit our course page for the Level 7 Certificate in Injectables for Aesthetic Medicine here to find out more. 

We look forward to speaking with you soon.

The Level 7 qualification has well and truly begun within the aesthetic industry. As with all new topics there are often frequent questions which need clarifying. In this blog we look at the following Level 7 FAQ…

“Can I combine training providers for my Level 7 Certificate in Injectables?”

You may not be aware but all aesthetic training providers develop their own courses for their delegates. Based on their experience and expertise their structure and delivery will be different. Each provider will have their own personal training standards which they are striving to achieve.

In order for a Level 7 Qualification to be approved it must follow a set specification whilst complying with Ofqual recognised guidelines. Topics are highlighted which need to be covered along with the level of competence the delegate should demonstrate. However it is up to the training provider as to how they wish to deliver and teach certain aspects of the qualification.

The awarding body do not encourage delegate to move between training providers whilst completing their qualification. Delegates commonly ask for support (particularly with the practical and mentoring sessions)  who are undergoing their qualification with other training providers. In order to maintain consistency and ensure we keep to the guidelines set we do not advocate this. We are also unable to combine our qualification with any other training provider or accept delegates who are already undergoing their Level 7 certificate elsewhere as we cannot be sure of the standard of theoretical teaching and knowledge you have received.

We advise all delegates who are looking into the Level 7 Qualification to thoroughly research all of your options available. You need to make sure that the provider you choose supports you with all aspects of the qualification. This includes making sure your learning needs are met and the qualification contains a foundation course, SAQ’s, clinical days and the final OSCE days.

Level 7 at Cosmetic Courses

At Cosmetic Courses we pride ourselves on our standard of teaching. We have trained over 5000 delegates many of whom have gone on to lead successful careers within aesthetic medicine. Based on our teaching experience within the industry, we have developed our Level 7 qualification to meet all guidelines set by the HEE and JCCP. We are set on providing the highest quality of training available with our team of expert trainers. We leave no stone unturned and provide all 8 units of the qualification.

If you would like to find out more about our Level 7 Certificate in Injectables for Aesthetic Medicine speak to member of our team today on 01844 390110 or [email protected] alternatively you can visit our course page here.

Useful resources:

What Should I Look for in a Level 7 Training Provider_

Education can be costly. You can never “try before you buy”, only research and hope you will be getting the most from your money. With the Level 7 Qualification being the talk of the Cosmetic Industry, now is the time to look at possible training providers for you to attain this qualification. But what exactly are you looking for?

In order for a training provider, like ourselves, to be able to provide certain training and qualifications, we must abide by standards set by education & training registers:

  • Trainers/assessors must be correctly trained themselves and practice regulated training
  • The training premises must be able to cater for all needs of the qualification; a professional and clean space with all materials needed
  • The quality of the programme must meet all guidelines set

We understand it may be quite daunting with so many providers now offering this qualification and seemingly meeting the above criteria. Therefore we have put this short guide together on the questions to ask your potential provider to ensure you receive the highest quality of training and support.

8 Questions to ask your qualification provider…

Are they an approved provider of the Level 7 Qualification?

This is the first and most important feature to look for in your Level 7 provider. Find out if they are approved by an independent body to provide this qualification and if they are, who is providing this approval. In line with the Health Education England (HEE) guidelines, for a training provider to offer an approved Level 7 Qualification in Aesthetic Medicine they either need to be university-led or needs to be a Ofqual regulated qualification, developed by the regulated Awarding Body IQ.

Are there any hidden costs or is the total price all-inclusive?

Make sure you understand exactly what is included in the total price you are paying for your Level 7 Qualification. You don’t want to pay for your qualification to later find out there are additional costs along the way. The components to look for:

  • Does the cost cover all 277 hours of learning?
  • Does it cover all observation sessions (10 x Dermal Fillers, 10 x Botulinum Toxin)?
  • Does it cover all hands-on sessions (10 x Dermal Fillers, 10 x Botulinum Toxin)?
  • Does it cover all assessments and OSCEs?
  • Are all training materials included?

How many years of experience in medical aesthetic teaching do they have?

Experience is key when it comes to medical aesthetics. It’s important that you find a provider who has been established in the industry for a substantial amount of time. It is only through experience that a trainer can understand the requirements of different patients as well as the requirements of different learners.

Who are your trainers?

It is important to know who will be training you throughout your qualification and what their background is. As stated above, all trainers and assessors offering the Level 7 Qualification must meet a minimum standard but it’s still important to find out the depth of their experience both in their medical discipline as well as practicing and teaching in medical aesthetics. It may be useful to ask the following questions:

  • What is their medical background and how long have they been practicing?
  • How long have they been practicing in Aesthetic Medicine specifically?
  • How long have they been teaching in medical aesthetics?

Where does the training take place?

We believe being taught in a clinical environment is essential for patient safety. So make sure you ask where the training will take place. Is it a clinic? Hospital? Do they have all necessary clinical equipment required?

Are all live patients provided for your practical training?

The practical elements of the Level 7 Qualification are vital. This is your time to develop your injection technique, understand your patients and see what it’s really like to treat patients in a working skin clinic. Injecting live patients during your training will give you unrivaled skills that cannot be met by injecting mannequins. So it’s important to find out:

  • Will you be injecting live patients or mannequins during your training?
  • How many people will you treat?
  • Are the patients provided for you or do you have to supply them yourself?

Is on-going support provided?

Aesthetic medicine can be quite daunting so it’s important your training provider has a support system in place to offer you guidance both during and after your qualification.

Are there options for continuity of learning with your chosen training provider?

As a medical professional you will of course understand the requirement for continued professional development and this is no different for aesthetic medicine. It is therefore important to find out whether your training provider can offer you this continued development.

Perhaps in other areas of Aesthetic Medicine such as skin rejuvenation treatments? Or online training to refresh your Botox and dermal filler techniques?

Many successful aesthetic practitioners don’t focus solely on Botox and dermal fillers with our experience showing that these treatments should actually only account for 50% of your revenue. There is much more to learn past injectables and it’s important that your training provider can offer you this further training.

Why Choose Cosmetic Courses as your training provider?

Cosmetic Courses has been training medical professionals for 15 years under the guidance of Clinical Director

Clinical Director Adrian Richards

Clinical Director Adrian Richards

Mr Adrian Richards. Mr Richards handpicked his team of trainers from across the country all with a passion for what they do. This shines through in the work demonstrated by our faculty and the customer loyalty from our delegates.

  • Cosmetic Courses was one of the first training providers in the UK to offer Botox & dermal filler courses
  • We are an award-winning training provider
  • We provide all live models for our delegates, gaining practical hands-on experience
  • Our trainers are a handpicked team of experienced Surgeons, Doctors, Dentists & Nurses with combined experience of 113 years in the Aesthetic Industry
  • We are partners with all major aesthetic insurance companies
  • All of our courses are held in fully functioning clinical environments
  • We provide unlimited aftercare. Whether you have a clinical or business related question our team are always on hand to advise and guide you.

We pride ourselves on the standard of our training. We have a dedicated team of trainers all following the same vision: to provide outstanding training to medical professionals like you in the Aesthetic Industry.

Level 7 Qualification in Botox and Dermal Fillers at Cosmetic Courses

Our Level 7 Qualification has been developed using a multi-faceted approach to your learning to suit all academic styles with a personal approach. It involves a combination of online learning, clinical observations, practical hands-on, mentoring and assessments to provide you with 277 hours of comprehensive learning.

Our Level 7 qualification is made up of 8 bespoke modules, exclusive to us. These have been created in line with framework criteria in order to maximise your learning outcomes. Not only do we provide all mandatory training, we also add in industry knowledge and first hand advice from our experienced practitioners to make sure you are leaving confident in what you have learned.

And if you have already started practicing in aesthetics we provide pathways for you to achieve your Level 7 Qualification through recognition of your prior learning.

If you are interested in learning more about the Level 7 Qualification and how it may benefit you please contact our friendly team today to discuss your training options and to clear up any questions you may have about your next steps.


Useful resources:

Please note the above is in the development stages and therefore is subject to change.

Find out more

Learn key information and frequently asked questions on the Level 7 Diploma in our Aesthetics Knowledge Hub.

We’ve had a lot of interest in our Level 7 Qualification in Botox and Dermal Fillers but a common question that we hear from our delegates considering this route is:

“Is it true that I will need to have a Level 7 qualification by 2018 to practice Botox and dermal fillers in the UK?”

With lots of opinions flying around on this matter it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure of who to believe. In this ever-changing landscape of the thriving aesthetics industry, we are here to provide a transparent, first-hand overview on the current training recommendations in the UK.

So if you’re considering a career in aesthetic medicine but unsure of whether the Level 7 is right for you, continue reading…

What is the Level 7 Qualification?

The Level 7  Qualification is a necessary movement towards a more standardised level of training for medical professionals considering a career in aesthetic medicine or those who are wanting to gain more formal recognition of their skills.

Is the Qualification mandatory and will I need it to practice in the UK by 2018?

With so many providers now offering this qualification we can see how easy it is to start thinking that the Level 7 qualification is in fact mandatory. But in short, it isn’t. At present there is no legal requirement for you to hold a Level 7 Qualification in order to practice Botox and dermal fillers or any other non-surgical aesthetic treatments for that matter.

Although the Department of Health strongly support the recommendations that have been provided by Health Education England (HEE) the Government have not accepted the case for statutory and mandatory regulation in the non-surgical aesthetic sector.

In response to this, the only option was to have an independent council that is devoted to the development and implementation of the guidelines. Therefore key stakeholders within the industry have formed and created the Joint Council of Cosmetic Practitioners (JCCP) whose aim is to set the standards of clinical and practice proficiency in order to provide a safer patient outcome.

The JCCP are working towards reaching a point whereby all aesthetic practitioners adopt these standards within their practice.

If I don’t complete the Level 7 Qualification will I still be able to continue my aesthetic practice?

Yes. As the qualification is not mandatory you will still be able to continue your aesthetic practice as normal. However, it is worth considering that most major stakeholders including leading insurance providers, independent training establishments and pharmaceutical companies amongst others, are supporting this movement.

In addition to this, if you would like to be registered with the JCCP as a cosmetic practitioner then you will have to provide evidence that you have completed or are working towards an accredited Level 7 Qualification.

Will I still be able to complete one day training courses?

Yes. Independent training providers and pharmaceutical companies will still be offering one day courses so that you can continue to develop your skills and gain CPD points.

Are all Level 7 Qualifications registered?

If you have decided that the Level 7 Qualification is the right option for you then it is important to be aware that not all training providers are offering registered Level 7 Qualifications. In line with the HEE guidelines, in order for a Level 7 to be a recognised qualification it must be OFQUAL registered. We discuss this further in our latest blog ‘What to look for in a Level 7 training provider?

Level 7 Qualification in Botox and Dermal Fillers at Cosmetic Courses

Our Level 7 Qualification has been developed using a multi-faceted approach to your learning to suit all academic styles with a personal approach. It involves a combination of online learning, clinical observations, practical hands-on, mentoring and assessments to provide you with 277 hours of comprehensive learning.

And if you have already started practicing in aesthetics we provide pathways for you to achieve your Level 7 Qualification through recognition of your prior learning.

Contact our friendly team today to discuss your training options and to clear up any questions you may have about your next steps.

Useful resources:

Please note the above is in the development stages and therefore is subject to change.

On Friday 31st March at 3:40pm you have another chance to see our Medical Director Mr Adrian Richards speak at the Aesthetics Conference & Exhibition (ACE) 2017!

Mr Richards will be speaking in the Business Track Session in the main Exhibition Hall on the topic of:

Aesthetics Conference & Exhibition“Update on Industry Training Recommendations”

“Consultant Plastic Surgeon Mr Adrian Richards will lead this engaging session that will discuss the latest recommendations from the JCCP on regulation and training within the Non-Surgical Aesthetic Industry including the Level 7 Certificate in Injectables for Aesthetic Medicine. The JCCP was established in early 2016, following the release of Health Education England’s guidance for qualification requirements for the delivery of cosmetic procedures. Mr Richards will explore what the developments mean for both experienced aesthetic practitioners and those who are new to the industry.”

How to register your place at the Aesthetics Conference 2017

This is a great chance to rub shoulders with the industry’s finest practitioners. Navigate your way through an array of stalls, live demonstrations and talks. Online registration is now available on the Aesthetics Conference website.

Secure your place at the Aesthetics Conference and Exhibition 2017.  Gain FREE access to the KOL-led masterclasses, live demonstration expert clinics and business track workshops as well as the exhibition floor.


The Business Design Centre 

52 Upper Street, Islington, London, N1 0QH

Travelling by public transport

The Business Design Centre is within walking distance of Angel tube station which services the Northern Line and is also only a short distance from King’s Cross and Euston mainline rail stations which also offer multiple tube services.

Further information on the JCCP and industry  updates

If you are unable to attend ACE 2017 but you would like further information on the JCCP and the latest industry updates subscribe to our newsletter to ensure you don’t miss out. Our recent guide to the Level 7 Qualification in Injectables also provides in depth details on the industry movement towards a more standardised framework of learning and how it can benefit  both new and existing aesthetic practitioners.

On Saturday 4th February 2017 we celebrated our 15 year anniversary by holding our 1st Annual Conference at The Paddocks Clinic in Buckinghamshire. A day filled with educational opportunities, a glimpse into the world of Cosmetic Courses and of course plenty of nibbles!

The event was held to celebrate Cosmetic Courses’ 15th year of medical aesthetic teaching and to inform and inspire our delegates to further their career in aesthetics. It also gave us the opportunity to showcase and educate the attendees on the upcoming launch of our Level 7 Qualification and our online courses while allowing the chance to learn more about our training partners and how to make the most of this challenging yet exciting and ever-evolving industry.

The conference consisted of talks and presentations from our Medical Director Adrian Richards and our training partners in addition to presentations and live demonstrations from our expert trainers on popular and up-and-coming aesthetic treatments. The programme included:


  • Welcome & The Changing Face of Aesthetic Training – Level 7 Qualification – Mr Adrian Richards
  • Legalities in Aesthetic Practice – Mr Adrian Richards & Jim Savin
  • Q&A with our Expert Panel
  • How to Build a Successful Aesthetic Practice – Mr Adrian Richards & Jim Savin
  • Managing Patient Expectations & Potential Complications – Dr Fiona Durban & Mel Recchia
  • Introduction to Pharmacyspace – Shailesh Patel
  • Increasing your Customer Reach
  • The Perfect Consultation – Dr Olha Vorodukhina
  • Online Training Opportunities – Hannah Wilkinson (Blank Canvas)

Live Demonstrations:

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who attended and also to our fabulous speakers for making the
event so successful. If you attended the event we hope you found it worthwhile and we are already looking forward to our next event in 2018!

Aesthetic Training with Cosmetic Courses

Cosmetic Courses is the UK’s largest aesthetic training provider with over 5000 delegates trained to date and 6 dedicated training centres across the UK. If you have any questions about our new courses including the Level 7 Qualification and online training or would like further information on your training options, please don’t hesitate to contact our team on 01844 390110 or contact us online here.