When patients are looking for wrinkle and age spot reduction, they often look at fractional laser resurfacing and other skin invasive skin tightening techniques. Facial fillers, or dermal fillers, can often replace laser and surgical treatments. A variety of facial fillers are now available, and patients should speak with a qualified dermatologist or physician about which is best for them.

Dr. Tahl Humes is the owner and medical director of VITAHL Medical Aesthetics in Denver, Colorado. Dr. Humes, who performes both surgical procedures and facial fillers, says that she prefers Juvederm because her patients have less swelling and bruising than with other varieties. Juvederm is a smooth gel non-animal dermal filler with the highest concentration of hyaluronic acid available. Dr. Humes says that she prefers Juvederm, but uses Restylane on a rare occasion as well.

As the body ages, it’s normal to see a decrease in the volume appearance of the cheeks because of either fat loss in the face or because of reabsorbtion of bone. This often causes a hollow appearance in the cheeks. Dr. Humes prefers Radiesse or Sculptra for this larger area because these products are better for larger areas. Radiesse and Sculptra are both non-hyaluronic acid based fillers used in recontouring the face. To get the most out of facial fillers, patients often combine large area treatments with individual line treatements.

Dr. Humes recommends Sculptra treatments to her patients who want to keep their filler treatments under wraps. Sculptra treatments done over a period of three months offer a more gradual change. As a bonus, Sculptra stimulates natural collagen slowly and helps to keep a more natural look. With this type of treatment, others won’t quickly notice that the patient has had treatments.

With the many options available with fillers, doctors are now able to meet the needs of almost every patient. Facial fillers are a temporary solutions, though. Some may only last six months while others may last as long as two years. Patients interested in facial contouring, resurfacing, or lifting should speak with their doctor about facial fillers to see if this choice is right for them.

Many people are fighting to reverse the effects of aging. Now with an alternative to plastic surgery, less invasive facial treatments are being sought after. Some of theseFace Lift include, laser treatments, injections of Botox and dermal fillers.

These treatments are great for those aging employees who are trying to stay younger looking so as to stay competitive in the job market. There are also professions where you want to look younger, like the others to fit in. You don’t want the age to start showing on your face. With the economy being so fragile, these treatments are a lot less expensive to obtain.

New dermal fillers are an excellent way to correct sagging cheeks and laugh lines. These fillers are made of a complex sugar that is found in many tissues in the body called hyaluronic acid. The most popular treatment is one an injection to treat expression lines between the brows and on the forehead. This popular treatment is called injectable botulinim toxin.

These less invasive treatments are being chosen over plastic surgery because they are only a fraction of the cost with much less recovery time. These treatments can cost anywhere from $400 to $1000 with a few hours recovery time, some injections can even be done on your lunch break, while a facelift can cost anywhere from $6,000 to $15,000 and take weeks to recover. The only downside is that people are spending thousands of dollars getting treatments repeated for maximum results which can end up costing you more than the facelift would have.

Many plastic surgeons have turned their businesses to offering these fillers and injections, as their surgery business is declining. However, there are some issues that fillers and injections will not correct, so plastic surgery is required. It has been estimated that plastic surgeons are accumulating over 50% of their income from fillers and injections, like Restylane and Dysport.

There is a growing concern among experts that people will be on the bandwagon to try any new thing that becomes available. This can put their health at risk and it is best to stick with the methods that are proven to help, rather than gamble on a new, untested method.

Individuals have always been trying to unearth ways to keep youthful and hold back the “sands of time.” Attain promising results from one of the latest non-surgical rejuvenator, Pelleve. This product is slated to diminish maturing facial skin and lessen the signs of aging without undergoing the knife, annoying injections or telltale blotching effects.

What is Pellvue?

Pellvue received clearance in May 2009 from the FDA. The deep layers of the skin are heated which in turn helps encourage the manufacture of new collagen. The added bonus is the existing collagen begins to tighten and shrink down the appearance of wrinkles.


Application is painless and easy. The entire procedure is done as an out-patient in a doctor’s office. The doctor will touch the designated area with the Pelleve “wand” or handpiece. Once applied to the targeted zones, it will produce a warm massage-like sensation to the patient, while heating the internal deep layers of the skin. The wand uses an advanced radiowave technology, supported through a generator without damaging or scaring the epidermis. As the heat moves through the skin, it pinpoints the collagens rich layer underneath the surface of the skin (aka dermis) and awakens it.

Time required

Receiving better results than most other non-invasive procedures, the patient requires no recovery time, no anesthesia, and will notice with just one treatment firmer, tighter skin. The patient can back to their normal daily timetable immediately. Depending the amount of treatment and areas deemed necessary by the doctor, the entire treatment will generally take only 45 minutes to an hour. The doctor will recommend the number of treatments that would be most beneficial for each individual patient. Even up to a month later, the application continues its working process on results of improving the skin´s exterior even more.


Pelleve works on all skin types, including people of color. Pelleve can be treated to all age groups, but those individuals in their in their late 40s to early 50s, searching for that fresh and vibrant appearance gain results the most. Individuals seeking to diminish the fine lines, lift sagging cheeks or jowls and overall tightening of the facial muscles, including the upper eye lids, should discuss Pellvue as a treatment of choice with their physician. It may be incorporated with other treatments to compliment the best results for you.

Results are noticeable after just one treatment. The period of longevity to maintain the outcome can vary, as the skin continues to produce new collagen. Dependent on the precise targeted area and individual, Pellvue has been known to last several years on some patients.

Now is the perfect time for a facial peel, in winter the skin can appear dull and ashy in appearance. Facial peels are a great way to rejuvenate the skin to reveal younger looking more radiant skin. Vegetable peel facials offer the same benefits as other chemical treatments like microdermabrasion. All facial scrubs and chemical peels can be used in combination with at-home methods like peel off masks.

Facial peels can repair damage to the skin caused by air pollution or overexposure to the sun. People who benefit the most from chemical peel treatments are those with mild to moderate acne, certain thyroid conditions which may cause a dull complexion. Menopausal women also benefit greatly from chemical peels to counteract the lax or sagging skin that occurs during menopause.

Chemical peels use glycolic acid as an exfoliating agent to chemically remove surface dead skin cells and improve the texture of facial skin. Alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) and beta hydroxy acid (BHA) are often used in chemical peel treatments. AHA and BHA are acids that occur naturally in fruits and vegetables. There are other acids that can be used in chemical peels that are derived from natural sources such sour milk- it produces lactic acid which was used as a beauty treatment by the Egyptians. AHA is the most popular because of its molecular structure; it can penetrate the pore and remove the dead skin cells to accelerate the exfoliation process. Glycolic acid stimulates collagen growth and does not cause any visible peeling. Chemical peels should only be performed by a licensed dermatologist. Only your dermatologist knows the proper concentration of glycolic acid to apply to improve the appearance of the skin.

During the chemical peel process, AHA is the form of glycolic acid is applied directly to the skin. The face is prepared for the treatment by using a pre-peel cleanser. The glycolic acid should only be left on the skin for a few minutes.

You must use sunscreen for 2-4 days following treatment and you should avoid intense sunlight. You may start to wear make-up, 24 hours after treatment. Treatment may consist of a series of acids peels for an interval of three to six weeks to achieve total skin rejuvenation.

Follow all instructions by your dermatologist and if you experience any side effects after a chemical peel, such as brown discoloration of the skin. Contact your dermatologist immediately.

Botox and other similar treatments are causing thousands upon thousands of animals a great deal of suffering due to painful deaths.

Recent figures are now showing that mice used in laboratories are now being used invery controversial drug toxicity tests and have now doubled in the European culture between the years of 2005 and 2008 in an increase from 33,000 to 87,000.

In accordance to the leading authorities in the world in regard to animal experiments, thisdramatic rise is best explained by the increase in face lifts.

Experiments on animals being tested for cosmetic reasons have been banned in countries such as Europe. Despite this fact, Botox treatments are now being classified as pharmaceutical medicines. Batches upon batches of Botox are injected into many groups of mice and the increased doses cause over half of the mice to perish.

While some doctors use Botox to treat muscle spasms or chronic sweating problems, Botox is better known for the treatment of wrinkles.

In more recent years, celebrities like Katie Price have undergone Botox treatment.

No animals should have to undergo any suffering for the benefit of the beauty industry nor should they have to endure the painful deaths associated with harmful Botox testing.

As fashionable as Botox is becoming in today’s world now means that there will be more and more tests performed on animals in the near future.

Botox was developed in the United States of America. There are other rival facial lift products such as Azzalure manufactured in Aspen. All Botox products are created from a chemical called botulinum which a deadly toxin.

To test for dilution and potency levels of safe doses, manufacturers use the very controversial LD50 test on animals. This test involves injecting sufficient quantities of this drug which, in turn, kills at least 50 percent of the mice being tested. Most mice given Botox end up suffering severe respiratory problems, paralysis and end up dying from suffocation. The International Humane Society has stated that the SNAP-25 test should be used as an alternative oftootox.

Botox is classified as a medical drug which is licensed for conditions such as blepharospasm, hemifacial spasm, focal spasticity for cerebral palsy, cervical dystonia, upper limb spasticity within adults whom have suffered stroke or heart attack as well as severe axillary hyperhidrosis. Botox has also been used in recently treated chronic migraines within the United Kingdom.

Botox is a dangerous and inhumane procedure that should be banned. For humanity’s sake, we need to take all necessary steps to stop the use of Botox on animals.

A surgeon in Vancouver is using Botox to relieve muscle pain for breast cancer patients. Botox injections are used to ease muscle pain for those who have had their breasts removed due to breast cancer surgery. In fact, some breast cancer survivors state that they have received 100 percent pain relief using Botox injections in the chest wall.Doctor Allen Babriel and his team in Vancouver in the Southwest Medical Group have been using Botox injections to relieve muscle pain in breast cancer surgery patients. Some patients who have had breast removal surgery twice have been astonished at the difference in pain levels with and without the Botox injections.

Breast cancer survivors who were to have reconstructive surgery had expanders placed in their chest walls to form the proper shape within the chest wall to perform the reconstruction at a later date. But patients have long complained about the extreme discomfort of the expanders, which is described as being like a severe muscle cramp.

In tests in his practice, Doctor Allen Gabriel tested Botox injections on 30 mastectomy patients. Fifteen of the patients were given a saline solution placebo, while 15 patients were given Botox injections. The mastectomy patients who received the Botox injections showed a huge decline in pain. They expressed that they were in much less pain than were the patients who received the saline solution placebo injections. Doctor Gabriel and his team were thrilled to find a solution to the long-standing problem of post mastectomy pain for those who were to undergo reconstructive surgery and had previously had to endure the pain of chest expanders.

Unfortunately, Botox injections are expensive. Thanks to a grant provided by the Southwest Medical group, Doctor Gabriel can provide the injections for free for breast cancer survivor reconstruction patients. The Southwest Washington Health System, who is sponsoring the Botox injection for breast cancer patients study, is providing free Botox injections for those participating.

The amount of pain and suffering that breast cancer surgery patients have to endure just because of the surgery itself is quite significant. Those preparing for reconstructive breast surgery after a mastectomy have had to go through quite a bit more pain because of the chest wall expanders used to prepare their bodies for reconstructive surgery. Dr. Allen Gabriel and his team have been gratified to discover that Botox injections can save their patients much suffering.

With the advent of plastic surgery, and alternative procedures that do not involve surgery, wealthy women started the war against aging. As time has progressed however, technology has gotten much better, and as a result, these procedures have become safer, more appealing, and more affordable. As such, more and more people have turned to new procedures such as face-lifts and Botox injections.

Though some use cosmetic procedures just to enhance their own image and try to look better, people are starting to use it to turn 50 into the new 30. Recent studies and new polls suggest that the amount of women approaching old age, and seeking cosmetic procedures to delay aging, has come close to doubling in recent years. These studies also suggest that with more advances in the cosmetic field, these numbers will only continue to rise.

Many celebrities that have fallen from their pinnacle of beauty, are also now seeking these cosmetic treatments. Although not an intended effect of their procedures, due to their high amounts of public exposure, these celebrities serve as walking advertisements for the cosmetic surgery industry. Many people that idolize either these people, or beauty, may seek out these treatments solely because the people they look up to find them to be fine.

Some people may question why a women would want to change her natural body in the first place, but the answer is actually pretty obvious. Where sees 50 years ago, aging was tolerated as a natural part of life, the modern media now portrays aging as something bad and ugly. As women get older and experience menopause, their bodies start changing in ways that are now considered to be unattractive. They then seek out these cosmetic procedures, not only to make themselves look more attractive in society’s eyes, but also to improve their own self-esteem.

Though many question the ethics and morals of plastic and cosmetic surgeries, their benefits to society are obvious. With many famous figures acquiring new looks through these measures, they provide inspiration for common people to go out and get them to. Because of society’s misconstrued views of aging, plastic surgery is as psychological as it is physical, helping older women both look better, and improve their confidence in themselves. As these procedures become safer and more affordable, there is no doubt that the number of people seeking them will only continue to rise, and their benefits to society will be enjoyed by more and more people.

Many people get acne, usually in their teen years, and many people get scars by bursting the pimples caused by acne. Acne scars are a very irritating thing to live with and until recently were a permanent skin problem. Luckily with the advancements made in medical science this is no longer the case.

The top 4 ways to get rid of acne scars are each a little different from each other because different levels of acne require different methods. So whether your scarring is only slight or is extremely noticeable one of these treatments should definitely work for you.

1. Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is a very useful, non-invasive skin care procedure. The top layer of skin is removed with an exfoliating device allowing new skin cells to come to the surface. This treatment is good for minor acne scarring and other minor skin problems, or just to keep your skin nice and healthy looking.

2. Collagen Injections

For more noticeable acne scars, collagen injections may be a good idea. The procedure is exactly what it sounds like, collagen is injected into the scars with a syringe and fills the areas, eliminating any signs of damaged tissue.

There is a little pain involved with collagen injections, but it should only last about 10-20 minutes. Getting the injections also takes only a short amount of time so it can be done easily during the day, leaving you with a nice, clear complexion.

3. Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are more commonly used for sun damage and other skin problems, but also work with acne. Chemical peels go where Microdermabrasion can’t, peeling off several layers of skin rather than just one. This allows them to get to the layers of skin where the roots of the scars are and erase them.

This method is a good one for bad scars because it is fast and easy, suited to both men and women and can be modified to fit your specific skin needs.

4. Laser Resurfacing

This method should only be used as a last resort because it is painful and takes time. Laser resurfacing gets rid of the most extreme acne scars by using a laser to remove the bad tissue and let new skin grow in it’s place. Do your research and consult your doctor before considering this procedure.

With these methods, now you and anyone else can have clear, scar-free and healthy skin.

It’s all over the tabloids.

Celebrities uncovered who need “a little work done.” Or have had said “work” done in an obvious manner. Or, worst yet, the ones who looked better before.

Plastic surgery. With the “education” that the tabloids give us about it, should we even wonder why people hesitate to permanently correct their flaws?

However, researchers and healthcare professionals are discovering many new and exciting factors about nutraceuticals and the cosmetic surgery industry. Not only are botox and plastic surgery safer than they used to be, but they also produce better results. Your risk of coming out looking like a goldfish is not only greatly diminished, but the procedure itself is healthier for you than it has ever been.

The Methodist Hospital reports through a recent study that dietary supplements of zinc and phytase prior to Botox®, Dysport®, or Myobloc® injections increased the effectiveness 93% of the time. 44 patients who had not responded positively to botulinum toxin injections were once again being treated for a blepharospasm condition, a rare form of eyelid spasms, hemifacial spasms, and cosmetic wrinkles. Each of the patients took zinc and phytase for four consecutive days prior to surgery, and 41 of them had more success than they did the first time.

Before the plastic surgery, the patients took 50 mg of zinc citrate, along with 3,000 PU of phytase and 10 mg of zinc gluconate or placebo supplementation. The researchers evaluated the patients based on their individual experiences with cosmetic surgery prior to taking the dietary supplements as a baseline.

As a result of this remarkable study, Dr. Charles Soparkar, an oculoplastic surgeon at The Methodist Hospital, is offering a zinc and phytase supplement to his patients. “Surprisingly, the results showed in more than 90 percent of the patients studied, the zinc/phytase combination improved responsiveness to treatment of blepharospasm using the same amount of botulinum toxin as previously used,” said Soparkar. “The toxins seemed to have greater effect and last longer. Potentially, this could mean using fewer toxins, offering patients financial savings, greater safety and more consistent results.” Dr. Soparkar will present this dietary supplement at the American Society of Opthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery’s 41st Annual Fall Scientific Symposium on October 14 in Chicago.

Because of this remarkable study, botox and plastic surgery are safer and more effective practices, building confidence in patients and allowing for safer and more effective results.

The use of the anti-wrinkle product Botox is said to help those feel better about themselves because they do not frown even when they are sad. This then feeds the idea back into their brains, and can help reduce the feeling of sadness. Theoretically, scientists claim that if a person can’t physically frown, the brain then feels as if there is nothing to be sad about- the equivalent of acting happy even if you are not, therefore tricking your brain into thinking you really are.

According to the study performed by the US Association for Psychological Science, it applies even for those who have received the Botox injection to stop wrinkles. These injections are a temporary solution that causes the paralysis of the muscles. It is done by tiny amounts of the toxin being injected into the muscles that are mainly responsible for frowning.

Research performed at the University of Wisconsin used 40 volunteers who allowed small doses of Botox to be injected into their foreheads. Afterward, the volunteers were asked to read from statements that ranged from happy, sad and angry, which they had already done before the treatment began. Those who received the treatment took more time to read off the more negative statements than before they had received their injections. David Havas, a researcher involved in the project, explained that while the time delay was small, it was significant, suggesting that a person’s brain can take longer processing the emotion found in the statement.

According to Mr. Havas, “There is an idea in psychology called the facial feedback hypothesis. Essentially, it says, when you’re smiling, the whole world smiles with you. It’s an old song, but it’s right. Actually, this study suggests the opposite: When you’re not frowning, the world seems less angry and less sad.”

Another Research professor, Mr. Arthur Glenberg, also discussed the study. “Normally, the brain would be sending signals to the periphery to frown, and the extent of the frown would be sent back to the brain”, he stated. “But here, that loop is disrupted, and the intensity of the emotion and of our ability to understand it when embodied in language is disrupted.”

It is important to be careful when you have Botox injections, because you may get the opposite effect. Botox injections in the bottom part of the face may prevent smiling, making a person feel sad, according to research done by Barnard College in New York