Hyaluronic acid is the human body’s natural way of providing volume and a fresh faced appearance – in fact there are large quantities of hyaluronic acid present in the skin. However, as the body ages the amount of hyaluronic acid steadily decreases, often leaving behind sagging and wrinkled skin due to the loss of volume. Today hyaluronic acid is being produced in the laboratory for use in the fight against aging. Hyaluronic acid based dermal fillers such as Juvederm and Restylane are able to plump up the skin in specific areas where volume has been lost. These fillers also have the helpful effect of binding to water molecules in the body, allowing for a long term facial correction.

Since there are now a number of different dermal fillers on the market, selecting the right one can be difficult. Two of the most popularly used hyaluronic acid based dermal fillers are Juvederm and Restylane. Both have specific advantages, and for a patient to make the proper choice it is necessary to carefully compare the two and decide which one is best for their needs.

Overall, Juvederm and Restylane are very similar products. Both are made from hyaluronic acid and are nearly identical in composition. While Juvederm is slightly thicker than Restylane, it is considered by many physicians to be easier to mold and shape into the facial tissue. Both Juvederm and Restylane are injected into the nasolabial folds (the area extending from the edge of the nose to the edge of the lips), the tear troughs underneath the eyes, and the frown lines in the brow area. Both products are also used in the lips as a plumping agent, or for overall lip reshaping.

The primary difference in the products appears to be the texture. Many doctors prefer to use Juvederm in areas such as nasolabial folds or other large areas since it molds into the skin more easily. However, other doctors feel that the two products work equally well even though the texture of Restylane is slightly thinner. In terms of longevity, Juvederm appears to have a slight edge over Restylane. While this effect may vary with each patient, Juvederm is generally considered to be the longer lasting of the two products due to the fact that Juvederm contains about 10 percent more cross-linked hyaluronic acid by volume.

Overall the two products are very similar and in most cases will produce virtually identical results when administered properly by a licensed practitioner. Each patient and doctor may find that they have personal preferences after trying both products, however.

Cosmetic surgery is a way to achieve a youthful appearance. It is particularly helpful in erasing marks of aging associated with skin changes,Dermal Fillers ranging from wrinkles to the loss of subcutaneous fat and dermal collagen with Dermal Fillers.

While the most well-known method of tightening the face around the skin is through a surgical face lift, a less well-known, but equally effective, method is dermal filling.

Although dermal filling may sound like a revolutionary new trend in aesthetic medicine it has been around for over a century. In the 1890s, dermal filling consisted of removing fatty tissue from one part of the body where it was not needed, like from sagging fat in the arms, and injecting it to another part where it was needed, like the wrinkling skin of a face. Today, a variety of many more filler choices are available. These fillers are said to work better and to last longer than their earlier counterparts.

Bovine collagen was popular in the United States in the 1980s. Results were claimed to last as long as eighteen months, but the reality was closer to five months, with three months being the average. Nevertheless bovine collagen became the standard by which other fillers were assessed.

Human collagen, collagen derived from human beings that was cultivated in the laboratory, replaced bovine collagen in popularity. Then researchers began to look for something even more compatible with the patient’s body. They arrived at the autologen method. In this method, human collagen is still used, but this time it comes directly from the patient‘s own tissues. This collagen, derived from the patient’s own body, is made into a sterile suspension of fibres. Three square inches of skin can be manufactured to supply 1 ml of 3.5% collagen. This collagen is used to treat wrinkles, lines, scars, and sagging lips.

An alternative to injecting fillers has been autologous collagen. By stimulating an inflammation in the patient, the resulting new collagen deposits are harvested and fat is then mixed with sterile distilled water.

Other viscous fluids have also been tested and used in cosmetic surgery. These include the use of fillers made out of recycled skin, hyaluronic acid, and hybrid technologies.

The recycled skin came from rehabilitation centres for burn victims and was processed for use in aesthetic medicine. Hyaluronic acid, a protein in the skin of mammals, including humans, has been used to form a gel. Finally, artificial Dermal Fillers suspended in bovine collagen have been used to treat wrinkles and scars.

Many individuals suffer the lasting effects of severe acne outbreaks. Dermatological scarring can lead to emotional and psychological trauma. Medical science is continually developing treatments to alleviate the physical aspects of the condition. These interventions provide dramatic and lasting results.

Nodular or cystic acne leaves severe scarring but dermatologists can treat the problem. Laser treatments were once the standardized option for treating this type of scarring, but are not effective in diminishing severe scars. Presently, the chosen remedy for treating scarring is with cosmetic fillers.

Silicon Fillers

Following 30 years of research in treating acne scars with various fillers, Dr. Jay Barnett and associate, Dr. Channing Barnett found that silicone fillers are the only means to soften acne scars. The doctors found that five patients with severe scarring had amazing results with silicone injections following one treatment. These patients were studied for 30 years.

Hyaluronic Acid Fillers

In addition to silicone fillers, severe scarring treated with hyaluronic acid fillers showed promising results. But, while the results were impressive, they only lasted six months. Fillers like Perlane have been studied and approved by the Food and Drug Administration for deep skin folds, but not scarring on various areas of the face.

Calcium Fillers

The Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy contains a report where scientists studied a filler made with calcium hydroxlapatite to correct severe acne scars. Scientists used the filler on different types of scarring from deep round scars to pitting scars. They found that in ten subjects, only rounded scars responded well to treatment. Some of the test subjects experienced results that lasted up to a year.

Selecting the Correct Filler

Cosmetic fillers are not an inexpensive treatment. Treatments that last the longest are the most expensive. Filler injections run from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand per treatment. Additionally, a trained and qualified physician must administer the filler properly to achieve maximum results.

If considering cosmetic fillers, locate a physician who has gained expertise in minimizing severe acne scars using this type of treatment. The filler injections cannot be used on acne that is not controlled. The treatment cannot be provided in skin that has inflammation or discomfort caused by continual acne outbreaks.

Quick fix dermal filler products include such widely recognized products as Botox, Juvederm, and Restylane. These substances, when properly injected by an experienced clinician, can eliminate obvious signs of aging such as wrinkles, crows’ feet beside the eyes, and forehead creasing.

How Do They Work?

While Botox works beneath the dermal layer to relax those muscles that when contracting, form expressive lines on the face, Juvederm and Restylane work within the skin layer to immediately fill and voluminize the flesh on the face and then provide nutritive revitalization for the longer term. They are especially effective in smoothing areas around the mouth and nose.


Because all three of these dermal fillers require application via injection into facial tissues, they call for the services of a licensed clinician. Only the experienced expert can judge the correct quantity of filler and the proper areas for application. A professional office venue is the safest, most sterile and quality-controlled environment for treatments of this kind.

Industry Concerns

In recent years, especially since sales of Botox, Juvederm and Restylane no longer require a physician’s prescription, more sources are making these dermal fillers available to the general public. People have the option to buy the products directly or online. Incredibly, people are actually giving themselves a do-it-yourself quick facial fix by self-injecting dermal fill substances.

This practice is raising considerable concern among the medical community. Some clinicians point out that medical supplies from unproven sources can easily be counterfeit or substandard products that may cause unwanted side effects. Others focus on the fact that an untrained individual is hardly qualified to judge quantities and injection sites. Amateur applications of Botox, Restylane, or Juvederm can produce some surprising and sometimes alarming results.

Self-injection of dermal fillers can cause redness and infection, excessive swelling, scarring, bleeding, and migration of fillers to undesirable areas of the face. When you inject fillers around your eyes and forehead, you can create droopy eyelids or areas of swelling that a physician may find hard to reverse.


The majority of individuals self-injecting dermal fillers do so to save professional fees. Yet when you consider the potential health problems and side effects that often require a doctor’s intervention later, these do-it-yourselfers rarely save much, and often manage to make themselves look worse rather than better. An initial investment in professional injection of dermal fillers undeniably produces the best results.

Hyaluronic acid is a chemical that combines with collagen and elastin to create cartilage. HA helps cartilage to retain its strength and elasticity, but also assists with supplying the necessary fluid that lubricates joints.

Physicians use hyaluronic acid injections as an effective treatment for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Scientific findings conclude that more than 80% of arthritic patients studied experienced substantial amounts of reduced pain immediately following hyaluronic acid injections. The diminished arthritic symptoms lasted up to a year before patients required further treatments.

Tissues throughout the body contain hyaluronic acid and the chemical accomplishes numerous tasks. HA delivers nutrition as it removes pollutants from areas of the body not equipped with blood circulation , like cartilage. Joints without proper amounts of hyaluronic acid become fragile and weaken. In addition to lubricating joints, HA maintains fluid levels of other tissues and is found in the spaces between the cells in the body. The chemical holds moisture inside the spaces, which moistens elastin and collagen, keeping them healthy.

The medical and cosmetic fields are using hyaluronic acid more frequently. Cosmetics manufactured with HA contend that skin contains more moisture, which provides a smooth and radiant appearance. Research has proven that HA heals injuries rapidly and minimizes scars regardless of how long an individual has had them. Physicians inject Restylane, an hyaluronic acid filler, to diminish fine lines and acne scarring in addition to toning and tightening the skin.

The body naturally absorbs hyaluronic acid as it deteriorates, so repeated treatments are necessary. Results last for 6 to 9 months after which further injections are required.

Besides injections, HA is manufactured in oral form and supplements are available at pharmacies, health food stores and through online distributors. Inidividuals taking an oral supplement experience results after 2 to 4 months. Many have reported decreasing the dosage once the desired amount of results are obtained.

Hyaluronic acid may cause a skin irritation where injected and skin rashes and irritations when taken orally, but no major side effects have been reported. Adverse effects should be reported to the physician. Hyaluronic acid injections should be administered by licensed physicians only.

Surgeons across the UK are lining up to criticise a new government initiative, backed by medical regulators and the cosmetic industry, which seeks to clampdown on cosmetic surgeries such as Botox. The government is seeking to ensure that consumers have access to credible facilities to receive cosmetic procedures by listing clinics with qualified staff and appropriate facilities. Critics however have said that the measure does not do enough to stamp out “rogue” providers of cosmetic procedures.

Currently the Care Quality Commission, which oversees medical treatment in the UK, has no control over procedures like Botox injections. Roughly 5,000 facilities across the UK provide these cosmetic procedures to over 200,000 patients a year. As a result, the procedures can be provided in places like beauty salons where the staff have no formal training in medicine, dentistry, or nursing. If the procedures are wrongly-applied they can cause health problems and good hygiene is needed to reduce the risk of infection.

The new initiative seeks to provide qualified clinics and professionals with a “Quality Assurance Mark” that will be backed up by a timetable of regular inspections. The initiative would establish a list of clinics that have qualified staff and clean facilities for consumers to choose from to ensure they receive proper treatment.

Cosmetic injections are designed to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and the industry has experienced a 25% growth in the last year alone, making now the perfect time in the minds of many to tighten the regulation of the industry. Due to the growth of the industry, the government has recognised the need to regulate the procedures to safeguard patients. The programme has received an initial investment of 200,000 from the government to help launch the initiative.

Critics have slammed the new initiative though calling the plan an easy out for the government to wash its hands of industry regulation. A representative from Safer Cosmetic Surgery criticised the scheme stating that the only clinics likely to sign up for the programme are those that already meet the high safety requirements.

Supporters fired back though, believing that other measures contained within the initiative will serve to further prevent irresponsible providers from conducting cosmetic procedures. Supporters have said the “Quality Assurance Mark” will serve as an additional weapon for consumers against poor facilities and unqualified providers. The measure also seeks to make it harder for unqualified providers to get insurance coverage in hopes it will prevent places like nail bars and beauty salons from providing cosmetic injections.

Women are not as eager to have cosmetic surgery as they once were as recent statistics show that procedures have declined by almost 20% in the previous year. Breast augmentation, facelift and tummy tuck procedures are not occurring as frequently.

The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery reports that in 2005, 2.1 million procedures were performed whereas in 2009, 1.9 million were done. Surgeons feel the largest factor is the current economy. The luxury industry in general has suffered a blow as consumers exhibit more frugal behavior. Health insurance in most cases does not cover the cost of rhinoplasty or breast augmentation and procedures typically run thousands of dollars.

In the last ten years, the cosmetic surgery industry experienced a surge. Procedures once procured by celebrities and the affluent were being acquired by women of lower class status. The topic was commonly discussed in various forms of media and popularized by such TV shows as Nip/Tuck and Dr. 90210. Reality TV shows, The Swan and Extreme Makeover chose everyday citizens to undergo head to toe transformations to the delight of the viewing audience. These shows are no longer broadcasted.

In recent years, celebrities and others opting to have elective procedures have been the subject of ridicule and gossip. Procedures are scoffed at as being too noticeable or individuals are accused of being addicted to personal appearance and cosmetic surgery.

Heidi Montag, a reality show actress, received criticism from peers, the public and family when she admitted to undergoing 10 cosmetic procedures within a year. Miami Beach plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Hall believes that society’s desire for luxurious excess is coming to a close. People are exercising common sense when it comes to surgical cosmetic procedures.

Though cosmetic surgery is declining, non-surgical procedures are on the rise, which may merely reflect a more conservative choice in treatment. Botox injections, filler injections and laser treatments are less expensive, quicker and patients forfeit long recovery times associated with traditional surgery. Individuals are opting for procedures that are less invasive.

Physicians are noticing cultural as well as economical redirection. The size of breast implants has reduced along with the economy. Washington plastic surgeon Dr. Richard Baxter cites that while at one time one third of his patients chose B cup sizes, currently one half of the patients choose the smaller size.

The industry now wonders what the long term effects will be. Opinions differ, but most concur that while individuals may opt for other procedures, the vanity of humanity will continue to feed the desire for change.

Dermal fillers present a multitude of options for those who are involved in the practice of aesthetics. The use of dermal fillers has grown tremendously due to the fact that they present a valid alternative to surgical procedures. While originally used as a treatment for lines and wrinkles, dermal fillers are now available for a wide variety of other aesthetic purposes.

Dermal fillers are now available that can help with things like making someone’s face more symmetrical, enhancing people’s lips, correcting tear trough, and much more. The extensive uses now applicable to dermal fillers has flooded the UK market with a variety of these kinds of products. There are now around 160 dermal filler products available throughout the UK, and the majority of these do not even require a prescription as they are classified as “medical devices”.

While there are not even ten of these products approved by the FDA for use in the United States, there is no regulation available in regards to these products in the UK. This means anyone can buy these products and inject themselves with the ingredients without really knowing what is going into their body. Since there are so many unlicensed products now available, this makes the job of anyone practicing aesthetics harder than it already was, because they will have to learn about these products to get an idea of which one may be the best option for their patients.

While various aesthetic injections have actually been available since the late 1800’s, the term ‘dermal filler” did not come along until the introduction of collagen practically a century later. This led to the revolution of non-surgical aesthetic procedures, with Botox and collagen injections leading the way. While collagen is still a very popular choice, the emergence of other dermal fillers, one of the most popular being hyaluronic acid, has made the choice of collagen less popular than it once was.

Due to the high safety profile provided by hyaluronic acid fillers, they have become the most popular dermal filler used in the UK. Because hyaluronic acid is something that is present in every living organism and is a naturally occurring substance, some form of this type of filler has been used by an estimated 30 million patients throughout the world. The versatility of this product is likely why it has become so popular, as it is available in a variety of thicknesses. Other types of dermal fillers include:

* Calcium hydroxlapatite
* Poly-l-lactic acid
* Polymethyl methacrylate
* Porcine collagen
* Polyacrylamide

The aging process undoubtedly changes our skin in many ways, including reducing the collagen fibers that give our skin the elasticity and tightnessJuvéderm it needs. That’s why medical advancements such as Juvéderm have done so much to improve the nature of our skin while we age, allowing us to rejuvenate and heal skin that’s begun to sag and wrinkle. As we battle against pollution in the area, stress, sunlight and unhealthy lifestyles like smoking, new medical treatments are always available to help us recover our appearance when necessary. The truth is our skin is taking the brunt of the damage in our current lifestyles, taking most of the hits like sun damage and stress-related aging. Our skin is actually aging faster than it should because of the rough life it’s going through.

The reason for the aging appearance associated with wrinkles and drooping skin is low levels of collagen and hyaluronic acid. Fortunately, a new product works to fix this. Juvéderm Dermal Filler treatments are a non-surgical procedure that gives you affects that can last at least six months, maybe longer. So what is Juvéderm? Basically, it’s a wrinkle removal gel that fills all the fine lines in the skin to give a smooth look that still looks natural and youthful. Juvéderm fulfills our skin’s needs as wel by providing it with acids that plump and soothe the rough texture of aging skin. Juvéderm treatments are available at both medical spas and cosmetic surgeons’ offices, allowing you to choose which setting will make you most comfortable.

Juvéderm Dermal Filler is a safe and painless alternative to surgical procedures, although it does have some side effects in some cases. Special care should always be taken when using Juvéderm and that’s why it’s only available at select spas and cosmetic surgeons. It is not yet known what the effects of Juvéderm are on pregnant women. Juvéderm Dermal Filler is currently approved for the correction of wrinkles on the face and facial folds.

Juvéderm is a simple procedure that takes less than twenty minutes. Gel is injected into affected areas and smoothed by a trained professional. Your next appointment is then scheduled and you’re ready to go. Typically, treatments cost between £200 and £700, which depends on the type of formula you select. Of course, when compared to the cost of cosmetic surgery, this price is definitely worth it. The results of Juvéderm Dermal Fillers are unparalleled and will leave you amazed.

As dermatological technology advances, simple cosmetic treatments such as facial fillers and Botox are no longer primarily targeted for women. Men are increasingly taking advantage of cosmetic enhancements as well, to help fight signs of age and to increase professional marketability. Men looking for an affordable alternative to invasive cosmetic surgery are turning to facial fillers, Botox, and other non-invasive cosmetic treatments in lieu of opting for costly traditional cosmetic surgery.

Non surgical treatments such as facial fillers and Botox, compared to going under the knife via face lifts and other invasive cosmetic procedures, are affordable, quick, and require minimal recovery time. However, non surgical treatments offer very similar results to surgery, by filling out the temple area, smoothing wrinkles, and eliminating sun spots from an aging face. Even nose jobs can be achieved with non surgical cosmetic treatments, by using an injectable wrinkle filler to straighten noses and smooth bumps.

Results from non surgical cosmetic treatments are instantaneous, making these cosmetic options increasingly attractive to men as well as women. In particular, the popularity of skin peels has exceeded that of facelifts among British women.

A struggling global economy has seen job seekers looking for innovative ways to increase their odds of landing a job. The job market is brutal, and competition for jobs is fierce. A younger and more energetic appearance may help job candidates look more desirable in the eyes of a hiring manager.

The global recession may have had some impact on the increasing popularity of non surgical cosmetic procedures for other reasons, as well. The simple explanation is that the procedures are much less costly than traditional cosmetic surgery. This may explain the increased popularity of skin peels among women. Also, due to the decreased recovery time, patients find they are able to return to work right away. Patients without paid leave are more likely to invest in cosmetic treatments when they are not required to miss work in order to do so.

For these reasons, non invasive cosmetic treatments have increased by five per cent in the last year. The bottom line is that non surgical cosmetic treatments offer many of the same results that traditional cosmetic surgery offered, at a fraction of the cost and recovery. With such easy ways to enhance the appearance of an aging face, it’s no wonder that these treatments have increased in popularity among men and women alike.