With demand for aesthetic treatments growing fast, and more professionals looking to enter the industry, the number of aesthetic training providers is expanding too.

Which means if you’re a medical professional looking to train in aesthetics, you’ve more choice than ever. But given the number of providers out there, it’s important to do your research and find the right provider for you.

If you’ve landed here, we guess you’re considering us (thanks!). So to give you a flavour of what you can expect, here are 5 reasons to consider our Aesthetic Training Courses…

1. Our team 

We think the number one reason to choose us is the thing we’re most proud of – our people. The Cosmetic Courses team, handpicked and led by Consultant Plastic Surgeon Adrian Richards, go the extra mile for our delegates.

All of them have excellent medical credentials and bags of experience. That’s a given. But what sets them apart – and what we consistently receive great feedback for – is their approach.

Our team understand that you need a little hand-holding while you’re learning, and in the early days after training. So we’ll always be there to help and support you throughout. We don’t just provide training – we see ourselves as a lifelong learning partner for our delegates.

2. Our history

We’ve been doing this for a long time. We’re the UK’s most established provider of aesthetic training courses, starting life back in 2002.

Over those 13 years, we’ve continuously refined and developed our courses, and added several new ones, in order to make sure we’re offering the best aesthetic training available in the UK.

To date, we’ve successfully trained and mentored over 3,000 Doctors, Dentists and Nurses, many of whom are now running their own successful businesses – and 72% of whom came back for more training.

3. Our comprehensive service

There are plenty of challenges involved in changing career. So we’re determined to make the training part as easy and hassle-free as possible for our delegates.

We provide all the models and resources you need for your training. All you need to do is turn up on the day, ready to learn.

We also offer a bespoke, tailored service that lets you piece together a comprehensive training plan to suit your specific needs.

4. Our business support

As a medical professional, the practical side to aesthetics should come easily to you. But if you want to work for yourself, you’ll need to know about the ins and outs of running a business too.

So we’ve put measures in place to help you.

Once you’ve completed one of our aesthetic training courses, you’ll get access to the Members area of our website. Rather than having to create patient medical history and consent forms, treatment information sheets and other essential documents yourself, you can simply download them from here.

We’re also partnered with a pharmacy to give you a convenient way to access the products and supplies you need to run your practice – with cost savings too.

5. We’ll help you find new clients – for free

Training is only part of the picture. We know it can take time to build up your client base in the early days. So after you complete a course with us, we’ll automatically give you a free listing on our National Cosmetic Network (NCN) website.

The website is targeted at patients looking for safe, insured and accredited aesthetic practitioners in their local area. You can update your profile as you complete more training with us, so any prospective patients can see your expert credentials at a glance.

We only list practitioners that we’ve personally trained, so a listing on the NCN is a vote of confidence from the most established aesthetic training company in the land. Priceless!

Find out more about our Aesthetic Training Courses

At Cosmetic Courses, we offer a broad range of aesthetic training courses at several centres across the UK, including Bucks, Essex, Kent, Birmingham and Manchester. For information on our training, or to book a place on a course, please call us on 01844 318317 or email us at [email protected].

Cosmetic Courses: banner showing an introduction to blog what yo need to learn about your patients

So you’ve decided you want to set up in aesthetics, and are busy researching Botox courses. Great choice. But if you really want to be successful in the aesthetics industry, your training is just the start.

To thrive as a Botox practitioner, it’s important to know how your patients and prospective patients feel about treatment. Get inside their minds and understand not only their hopes, but also their concerns – and any barriers that may be holding them back. 

After all, if you know what’s stopping them, you’ll know how to reassure them. 

There are plenty of misconceptions about Botox, and being able to address them with your patients is vital. Unfortunately, this isn’t usually covered during most Botox courses.

So to give you something to think about, here are 4 of the most persistent concerns, along with some guidelines for what to say to your patients.

> Botox is unsafe 

Cosmetic Courses: Photo showing our Botox coursesDespite its popularity and widespread use, some people are still unconvinced about the safety of Botox. They believe that, because it’s a toxin, it has the potential to be harmful when injected.  

But as practitioners, we know that Botulinum toxin is extremely safe when administered in the right dose by a qualified medical professional. So stress that to your patients.

You can also tell them that Botox has been safely used for many years in a medical context, to treat migraines, bladder problems, etc, which should help allay their fears.

> I’ll look frozen and odd

Ah, the dreaded ‘frozen face’. It’s a very real fear for some people that their face will be rendered blank and immobile by Botox. They might have seen unflattering pictures of celebrities and be terrified of having the same outcome.

So for those patients, let them know you’ll take a conservative approach. You can always top up at a later date if needed. Stress that you believe in achieving the most natural results rather than the most dramatic – and if that means erring on the side of caution, so be it.

> Botox is indulgent/only for vain/rich/famous people 

Like most aesthetic pursuits, the early adopters for Botox were celebrities. But it’s now grown in popularity so much that it’s now the world’s favourite non-surgical treatment.

And as it’s grown in popularity it’s become more affordable and accessible. So the chances are that everyone knows someone, or knows of someone, who’s had it.

So let your patients know that far from being something famous/rich/vain people do, it’s something that at least some of their neighbours, friends and colleagues are likely to have done!

> Botox is scary and painful 

Needles and injections can strike terror into the hardest of hearts. And here’s where your powers of reassurance need to be at their best. 

Let them know exactly what they’ll feel. A slight pinching sensation that will be over in a matter of seconds. Tell them people often compare it to a mosquito bite, so if they’ve ever had one of those, they’ll know they can deal with it.

Stressing that the treatment doesn’t require anaesthetic should also help reassure them that any discomfort is likely to be minimal. 

Find out more about our Botox courses

Cosmetic Courses are the UK’s most established Botox training provider. We offer scheduled and bespoke Botox courses to medical professionals at fully equipped training centres throughout the UK. For information about our Botox courses, or to book, call us on 01844 318317 or email [email protected].



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Are you a nurse looking for a new direction? Still keen to keep using your practical and personal skills to change people’s lives?

There could be a home for you in aesthetic nursing.

The aesthetic industry is booming – and the non-surgical side in particular. Demand for non-invasive aesthetic treatments is now growing faster than cosmetic surgery.

And nurses have been at the forefront of the aesthetic revolution. They’ve been treating and caring for aesthetic patients since the early 1980s.

There are over 4,000 Aesthetic Nurses currently practising in the UK. So how do you go about joining them?

Aesthetic Nurse training – the requirements

Cosmetic Courses: Photo showing Mel Recchia, trainer on our Aesthetic Nurse training coursesWhile a minority of Aesthetic Nurses work in cosmetic surgery, most work on the non-surgical side.

Either based in clinics or self-employed in their own practices, they offer treatments like cosmetic injectables (Botox, dermal fillers), skin peels, sclerotherapy and medical micro-needling.

The most popular treatments by far are injectables. So if you’re serious about becoming an Aesthetic Nurse, you’ll need to pursue training in Botox and dermal fillers.

As long as you’re a Registered Nurse with current registration with the NMC, you’re eligible to train in the use of Botox and fillers.

Training can be completed in one day, and will qualify you to offer both Botox and filler treatments to your own patients.

But bear in mind that Botulinum Toxin is a prescription-only medicine. So unless you’re a Nurse Prescriber, you’ll always need to work with someone else who can prescribe it.

For that reason, we’d recommend your Aesthetic Nurse training also includes an Independent Nurse Prescriber Course. These are offered on a part-time basis at colleges and universities and can usually be completed in around 4 months.

Being able to prescribe Botulinum Toxin, as well as administer it, will make you a valuable asset to potential employers. It’ll also make it easier to set up and run your own business further down the line.

Other Aesthetic Nurse training options

Once you’ve trained in Botox and fillers, you’re ready to start practising as an Aesthetic Nurse. But in time, you’ll probably want to be able to offer more treatments to your patients.

You can add more to your repertoire at your own pace, as and when you’re ready. It’s simply a case of deciding which treatments you’d like to offer your patients, and completing the appropriate course.

Most non-surgical treatments only need a one-day course, letting you get up to speed very quickly. At Cosmetic Courses, we offer a wide range of one-day courses, including MicrosclerotherapyChemical PeelsDermaroller and Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy.

You might also want to consider advanced Botox and dermal filler courses to learn more specialist techniques like chemical brow lift and peri-oral sculpting.

Whatever you choose to learn on your Aesthetic Nurse training journey, it’s a great time to get on the aesthetics learning curve.

If the UK market keeps growing (and with an increasing – and ageing – population, it seems likely), you can expect to carve out an extremely rewarding career, both financially and professionally.

Find out more about Aesthetic Nurse training

Cosmetic Courses are the UK’s most established aesthetic training provider, with centres in Buckinghamshire, London, Kent, Birmingham and Manchester.

To date, we’ve trained over 3,000 nurses and other medical professionals to administer safe, effective treatments to their patients. Want to find out more about our Aesthetic Nurse training courses? Give us a call on 01844 318317 or email [email protected].

Are you a Doctor working in the NHS? Starting to want more variety from your working life? Read on for 5 compelling reasons to make aesthetic training for Doctors your next move.

1. It’s great for your bank balance

Let’s not be coy. Training in aesthetics offers you far more scope to dictate your own earnings than working as a GP.

Most aesthetic treatments can be performed in under an hour. Botox, for example, takes around 15-40 minutes depending on the areas treated. With Botox treatment typically charged at around £200 for one area, your earning potential is limited only by your own ambition.

2. More patient time

If you’re frustrated by the time pressure of the NHS, and want to spend longer with your patients, aesthetics is the perfect antidote to the NHS ‘conveyor belt’.

You can choose how much time to spend with your patients. If you enjoy patient interaction, aesthetics is much more conducive to chatting and passing the time of day.

Another crucial difference is that you’re not trying to remove a negative, as you are when you’re a GP treating unwell patients. Instead, you’re aiming to produce a positive, in the form of a great aesthetic result. So there’s far more potential for spreading joy!

3. Training is quick

In most careers, if you want to shift focus and move into a new area, you can expect a fairly lengthy retraining period. If you’re a Doctor, however, you’re in the happy position of having access to a new specialism that uses all your existing skills and experience – allowing you to qualify very quickly.

Aesthetic training for Doctors is quick to complete, with most courses taking only one day. It’s quite possible to train one week, and be treating your own aesthetic patients the next.

4. Growing market

Aesthetic treatments are hot right now. Botox alone is a billion dollar industry worldwide, and that shows no sign of slowing. In fact, demand for non-surgical aesthetic treatments is growing relative to cosmetic surgery. So getting qualified in as many non-surgical treatments as you can will make you a sought-after expert in a booming industry.

5. Long-term patient relationships

Aesthetic treatments produce impressive results for your patients – but they don’t last forever. So if a patient’s happy with their treatment, there’s a good chance they’ll return to you when needed.

And establishing long-term relationships with your patients not only makes them likely to return to you for top-ups, they may also be tempted to try new treatments you add to your repertoire.

Find out more about aesthetic training for Doctors

For more on the benefits of aesthetic training for Doctors, watch this video where Dr Sophie Shotter explains how aesthetic training helped kickstart her business.

Cosmetic Courses is the UK’s longest established medical aesthetic training provider. Our team offer a wide range of accredited aesthetic training for Doctors, Dentists and Nurses. To find out more, call the team on 01844 318798 or email [email protected].


Cosmetic Courses: banner showing finance options

Are you a medical professional who’s decided on a career in aesthetics? Great news – you’re in the right place. At Cosmetic Courses, we’ve helped thousands of people like you carve out exciting and lucrative new careers in aesthetic medicine.

If you’re just setting out on your journey, we know there’s lots to think about. And one of the most important is finance.

Training in aesthetics is a great investment in your financial future. But before you can reap the rewards, you’ve got to meet the costs of your training courses.

Depending on how many treatments you want to learn, that can involve a hefty outlay. Which is why we’ve introduced our finance plans –  to make it easier and more affordable for you to make your career dreams a reality.

Funding your career in aesthetics

Cosmetic Courses: financing your career in aestheticsWe understand the financial pressures involved in retraining for a career in aesthetics, and setting up in business. Many of our trainers have been there themselves.

So we’ve put together some plans and packages to make your transition into aesthetics as affordable and cost-effective as possible.

1. Our course packages

If you’re planning on taking several courses, our course packages are a great way to save while you learn.

2. Our 0% finance option

0% finance to help you start your career in aestheticsAnd if you’d rather not pay a lump sum for your training at the outset, we offer interest-free finance to help you spread the cost. 

Our 0% direct debit options are available on all the packages outlined above, as well as a select number of our individual bespoke, advanced and skin rejuvenation courses.

Because we know everyone’s circumstances are different, our direct debit plans are flexible. You can choose to divide the cost into affordable monthly payments over a fixed 6 or 12-month period, or together we can create a tailored plan to suit you.

All you have to pay in advance is a small fee to secure your place. Then once it’s set up, you can forget about paying and get on with learning.

Kickstart your career in aesthetics 

If you’d like help in starting your career in aesthetics, our team will be more than happy to advise. Please give us a call on 01844 390110 or email [email protected] to find out more about our finance plans and training courses.



The Aurora Lift forms the basis of our advanced facial rejuvenation training – both for our team at Aurora Clinics, and our delegates at Cosmetic Courses.

It’s used by our trainers in their own clinics, and to date remains the best method our Clinical Director Adrian Richards has found to achieve natural results from non-surgical treatment.

It gives us a blueprint for treatment, helping us focus on the important areas to achieve the most natural and long-lasting facial rejuvenation.

So what is the Aurora Lift?

The Aurora Lift essentially involves looking at the face as an A-frame (see picture below) and treating it accordingly, using a combination of Botox and facial fillers.

A FrameWith age, facial volume migrates gradually southwards. This changes the shape of the face from the inverted triangle of youth, with its apex facing down, to the traditional triangle of middle age and beyond, with its apex facing up.

Using the A-frame concept, we’re able to focus on distinct treatment areas to effectively counter this ageing triangle inversion.

It involves subdividing the face into areas which lie along the limbs of an extended ‘A’. To achieve the most harmonious facial rejuvenation, we ask our practitioners and delegates to focus on these areas.

 Aurora Lift points for facial rejuvenationThe A-frame Zones for Facial Rejuvenation
  1. Glabella
  2. Cheeks
  3. Nasolabial Folds
  4. Marionette Lines
  5. Pre Jowl Salcus


The apex of the A is located over the glabella. This is treated in most cases with our standard 5 point Botulinum toxin pattern. This involves a single sub-cutaneous injection over procerus and 2 into either corrugator.

We find that sub-cutaneous placement is more comfortable for the patient, produces less bruising and trauma and reduces the risk of toxin diffusion into orbit which can result in weakness of the eye muscles.


Working downwards, the next focus areas lie at the ends of the transverse limb of the A-frame – the cheeks.  Where possible, we ask clients to bring in old photos so we can assess their volume changes over time. Our aim is to restore their youthful volume, not add more than they had as this can produce an unnatural appearance.

We restore lost volume with filler within each of the fat compartments of the cheeks. Our preferred method of delivery is with a blunt-ended cannula rather than a needle, as we believe it gives us more control whilst minimising trauma.

Nasolabial Folds and Marionette Lines

Our next focus areas, along the limbs of the A-frame, are the nasolabial folds and marionette lines. Again our preference is a cannula, as there is only one point of entry and less trauma as a result.

Care must be taken not to add too much volume here, as excess volume in the lower face can age rather than rejuvenate.

Most patients treated with the Aurora Lift will also have toxin treatment to the depressor anguli oris muscle to upturn the mouth and reduce the amount of dermal filler needed.

Pre Jowl Sulcus

Finally, the base of the A-frame lies below the jowls. Again, our preference here is to use a moderate dose of toxin in this region to reduce the downward pull of the platysma on the jowls.

Find out more

At Cosmetic Courses, we teach the Aurora Lift at our bespoke advanced training sessions. Attend one of these hands-on training days and you’ll learn the principles of the A-frame approach, and how best to apply them to achieve harmonious pan facial rejuvenation for your clients.

For more information or to book a place on our advanced course, please contact the team on 01844 318317 or email [email protected].



It’s a multi-million pound industry and it’s still growing. The world of aesthetics is attracting ever more doctors, dentists, surgeons and nurses for a variety of reasons.

If you’re a nurse thinking about making the move into aesthetics, read on to find out what it could mean for you.

Why consider Botox training for nurses?

> 1. Better earning potential

It’s fair to assume that if you’re a nurse, you probably didn’t go into the profession with money in mind. Nursing is a vocation, and you have to be pretty dedicated to make it your career.

But while money certainly isn’t everything, it ultimately gives you much more freedom to do the things you want to do in life.

Hour for hour, working as an Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner (whether self-employed or working for a clinic), pays significantly more than working as a Bank Nurse in the NHS.

Training in Botox and other aesthetic treatments allows you to either supplement your income from nursing, if you want to stay in the profession, or to pursue a much more lucrative aesthetic career.

> 2. Work-life balance

Working as a nurse in the NHS is extremely demanding and often very stressful. The rigours of the job mean that invariably, it’s sometimes hard to leave work at work. Many nurses find it very difficult to switch off and enjoy their free time as much as they could, which can take a huge toll and often lead to feelings of ‘burn out’.

Aesthetics, while no less hands-on, is far less demanding emotionally. You perform a treatment, your patient goes away happy – but even if they aren’t 100% happy, any problems can usually be rectified. This difference makes it far easier to enjoy your down time and maintain a healthy work-life balance, without dwelling on the stresses of the day.

> 3. Greater security and flexibility

Becoming a qualified Botox practitioner gives you the opportunity to piece together the career you want, as well as making you less vulnerable to the vicissitudes of a fickle economy – and assaults on your NHS pension pot.

Taking one of our Botox courses for nurses will give you options. You might want to split your time between nursing and aesthetics to give yourself more variety. You might just want a break from nursing for a while. Or it could be that you’re ready for a complete career change.

Training in Botox and other aesthetic treatments will give you lots more strings to your bow. You can set up your own business and be your own boss, work for a clinic at weekends alongside your nursing work, or look for employment as a full-time aesthetician.

Whatever happens in the economy, you’ll be far better equipped to adapt to changing circumstances and weather the storm.

Cosmetic Courses are the leading UK provider of Botox training for nurses. We offer nurses Botox courses in Buckinghamshire, Manchester, Birmingham and Kent. For any more information on any of our aesthetic training courses, please call the team on 01844 318317 or email [email protected].

It may be glorious weather, but if you’re thinking about a career change, the sunbathing can wait! This weekend, we’ll be at the Dentistry Show – and it’d be great to see you there.

Just a reminder that today and tomorrow (Friday 17th-Saturday 18th April), the Dentistry Show 2015 takes place at the Birmingham NEC, and we’re delighted to be exhibiting there.

The show is the biggest of its kind in the industry, and is a great one-stop-shop for any dentist seeking to enhance their existing career – or carve out an exciting new one.

If you’re a dentist looking to broaden your career horizons, and are free this weekend, why not pop down and see us?

See what our Botox course for dentists could do for you

Dr Agata Smolen talks Botox courses for dentistsAs we said on our blog a couple of weeks ago, you’ll find us on Stand M63 at the show.

If you’re wondering what it would be like to move into the world of aesthetics, we’ll give you all the advice and information you need.

But we can go one better than that.

Meet Dr Agata Smolen

If you come along on the Saturday, we’ll be joined by Dr Agata Smolen (pictured above). If anyone is qualified to talk about how our Botox course for dentists could change your career, it’s Agata.

A qualified dentist who trained in her native Poland, Agata moved to the UK in 2013. She first became interested in the idea of aesthetic medicine while practising cosmetic dentistry.

After researching training providers, she took the plunge and trained in Botox and Fillers with Cosmetic Courses. She now splits her time between dentistry and aesthetics, and has never looked back.

You can read all about Agata’s background and career here.

Agata is a fantastic person to chat to about the challenges and rewards of moving into aesthetics as a dentist. She’ll be more than happy to answer any questions you have, so feel free to come over and have a chat with her on Saturday.

See you there!

Tickets for the Dentistry Show are completely free, and there is still time to register. If you would like to come, click here. You can find out more about the show, including the exhibitor list and how to get there, on the Dentistry Show website.


If you’re a medical professional thinking about a change of career, it can be encouraging to hear from people who have been in your shoes.

Dr Sophie Shotter took a comprehensive range of aesthetics training courses with us.

She now runs her own cosmetic clinic, Illuminate Skin Clinics in Kent, and recently joined our team of trainers at Cosmetic Courses.

Here she talks about her career, her training and her new life in aesthetics.

My background

I’m a medically qualified doctor with a background in anaesthetics in the NHS. When I first thought about aesthetics training, I spoke to a friend who was already qualified, and he recommended Cosmetic Courses.

Why Cosmetic Courses?

It’s the only course run by a Plastic Surgeon, and has a brilliant reputation. In an industry where training is notoriously variable, that assured me I’d be in the best place.

Which courses did you take?

I started off with Foundation Botox and Fillers, and walked away feeling confident about Botox, but wanting to learn a little more about fillers. I booked some more one-to-one training to learn more advanced procedures – lip fillers, cheek fillers, and advanced Botox.

I then trained up in microsclerotherapy, Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy, Dermaroller, and microdermabrasion and peels as well.

I think I’ve probably done just about every course they offer!

What did you think of your training?

I’ve trained with most members of the team and found everyone so friendly, helpful and supportive. The quality of the training was second to none. The personalised advice I got and also bits and bobs about business advice were really helpful.

Would you recommend Cosmetic Courses to others?

I’ve already done so to several colleagues and friends. I wouldn’t send them anywhere else. The quality of training I’ve received I don’t think is matched elsewhere in the industry.

What advice would you give to others thinking about aesthetics training?

When it comes to choosing your provider, look at who has designed the training programme. How well established are they? Who are their trainers, and what’s their reputation?

What are the main benefits you’ve found from moving into aesthetics?

For me, the benefits have been enormous. My work-life balance is much healthier. I work the hours I choose to work, I have time for family and friends, and if I have to make an appointment to see my GP, I don’t struggle to do that any more. I’m a much happier person as a result.

The earning potential within aesthetics is massive – much better than within the NHS for me. Although I’m still in the early stages of my business development, that is really, really exciting.

I love my job – I don’t dread Monday mornings any more, and that’s an amazing feeling!


Cosmetic Courses offers a wide range of courses for medical professionals looking to enter the aesthetic industry. For information on any of our aesthetics training courses, please don’t hesitate to contact the team on 01844 318317 or email [email protected].

Nobody’s learning needs are exactly the same. Just as some learn better through listening, watching and reading, and others by doing, so it is with class sizes.

Some people find it stimulating to train in a group of their peers, exchanging ideas and sharing the experience.

Others respond better to intensive focused tuition with no distractions.

But there’s good news if you’re currently looking at Botox training courses. No matter what your preferred learning style, there’s an option for you.

Scheduled Botox training courses

Group Botox training coursesAt Cosmetic Courses, our scheduled Botox courses take place in small groups, usually no more than 5 delegates.

Over the years, we’ve found that 4 or 5 is the ‘sweet spot’ to give you the best possible training.

The courses, both Foundation and Advanced, can also include training in dermal fillers. The two treatments are often used together, so we aim to give a good grounding in both.

What to expect

The day starts with a lecture by one of our Consultant Plastic Surgeons. This will cover patient selection, contraindications, injection technique and aftercare.

It’ll be followed by demonstrations of Botox and dermal filler treatments, and an afternoon of hands-on practice.

You’ll work in a small group supervised by one of our expert trainers. There’ll be a variety of models to treat and ample opportunity to ask questions throughout.

The main advantage of this type of training is that it lets you observe a range of people practising the treatments. This can be instructive, as there are often tips you can pick up from your peers.

But there are also advantages to training one-to-one.

One-to-one Botox training courses

One-to-one Botox training coursesOur bespoke Botox training courses are very different. There’s no set course programme, and you decide the schedule.

Most delegates who choose bespoke training opt to learn one-on-one, as it allows for much more interaction with your trainer. However, you can learn in a small group if you prefer.

The session lasts for 4 hours, either morning (9am-1pm) or afternoon (1.30-5.30pm), and you can book for any day of the week that’s convenient for you.

A bespoke course allows you to drill down and learn more, and practise more, of the exact techniques you’re interested in.

Perhaps you’d like to build your confidence and hone your skills in the most popular techniques – upper face Botox and dermal fillers around the mouth?

Or maybe you’d like to develop more specialist skills with advanced injecting techniques like cheek augmentation and lower face Botox?

The choice is yours. Whatever you’d like to focus on, a bespoke course offers intensive targeted practice so you can develop full confidence in your skills.

And finally…

Dr Olha Vorodukhina, Dentist and Cosmetic Courses trainerTo give you an idea of our bespoke training from someone who’s been there, one of our trainers, qualified dentist Dr Olha Vorudukhina, originally came to us for bespoke training. You can read all about her here.

Please note, because of the intensive nature of bespoke training, we’ll usually require you to have completed Foundation level training. Contact us and we’ll be happy to advise.

For more information about our Botox training courses, or any of our programme of aesthetic training, please contact the team on 01844 318317 or email [email protected].