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See our latest articles in Aesthetics Journal

Our Clinical Director Adrian Richards recently joined the editorial board of Aesthetics Journal, the specialist monthly publication for medical aesthetics professionals. As part of his work with the magazine, he’ll regularly be contributing expert articles on a variety of subjects. If you don’t subscribe to the magazine, or didn’t catch the latest couple of issues, you […]

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Adrian Richards interview – a chat about his new book ‘Key Notes on Plastic Surgery’

Anyone interested in better time management would do well to have a chat with Adrian Richards. As well as being a busy surgeon, aesthetic trainer, bass player, father of four, sometime marathon runner and Clinical Director of both Aurora Clinics and Cosmetic Courses, Adrian has also found time to write a book. He has just finished […]


Valeant seeking to bypass Directors to ‘seal the deal’ for Botox maker Allergan

This is the story that just won’t go away. We recently wrote about Botox maker Allergan rejecting a takeover bid by Canadian pharmaceutical company Valeant. But it seems Valeant have rhino hide, and won’t be letting rejection put them off. It’s been reported that the conglomerate will this week launch an exchange offer for Allergan Inc, which […]

Is that illegal Botox in your face? Not sure really…

We recently reported on the scandal of illegal Botox being used in Australia. And now worrying findings in the UK have revealed that more than five in six people who have had Botox treatment admit to having essentially no idea what was injected into their face. An alarming 84% of Botox patients questioned admitted they […]